Try the political quiz

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There are things on the left that I agree with and things on the right I agree with, I’d say I’m a classical liberal

 @9HMSCYH answered…5mos5MO

Wave A4 pages sents letters ends expired dates former conservative party's MPs UK lockdown brings undercovered impressive who's knowns beats the policy fakes Press releases research

 @9HK9YD6 answered…5mos5MO

Catch the action by talk back and the politics by the right wings human resources help or hurt mental health services with patients has monitoring support forces Career lines loans and benefits fruads Press conference on protest days by legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologize for fail nurse and doctors fair pay raise unions

 @9C373KCfrom Virginia answered…12mos12MO

I am a “National-Konservativ”, which derives from the “NationalSozialitche arbeit partei.

 @9C2T7L2from Alberta answered…12mos12MO

 @99XQNLXfrom Florida answered…1yr1Y

As an immigrant I would need yo lesrn more on this subject before answering.

 @99HVBRGfrom Virginia answered…1yr1Y

 @99GDGNZfrom California answered…1yr1Y

 @99GBVDXfrom Castelo Branco answered…1yr1Y