Try the political quiz

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If you were to create a business, how would incorporating social welfare goals alter your approach?


What does 'equality' mean to you, and how is it reflected (or not) in your current environment?


How would your day-to-day decisions be influenced if the focus was on social responsibility rather than profit maximization?


Would a system that emphasizes equality and societal benefit over competition align with your values or contradict them?


When was the last time you felt united with others for a common cause, and how did that impact you?


In your experience, is being part of a supportive community more satisfying than achieving individual success?


In a society that values equitable distribution, how do you foresee your role and sense of personal fulfillment?


How do you perceive the concept of common ownership of resources and the impact it could have on your everyday life?


What societal changes might occur if everyone's basic necessities were guaranteed without the stigma associated with receiving aid?


What are your thoughts on the phrase 'to each according to their need, from each according to their ability' and how it pertains to modern life?


How might the integration of non-materialistic values into our economy affect our relationship with the environment?


Imagine that your ideal job pays less but contributes more to society. Would you still pursue it, and why?


Should personal success be measured by material wealth or contributions to societal welfare? What would be your ideal metric?


In what ways do you think fostering a culture of empathy and sharing could prevent conflicts and promote peace?


How could your hobbies and passions potentially benefit others in a society focused on shared prosperity?


Would you support a policy that limits personal fortunes if it meant eliminating homelessness and poverty?


How do you think a culture of mutual support rather than individual success would impact rates of depression and anxiety?


Would you be willing to forgo some of your future luxuries if it meant securing a better quality of life for others?


How would you feel if the most respected individuals in society were those who acted for the public good rather than personal gain?


How would your relationships evolve if society valued your generosity more than your net worth?


If your success was measured by your contribution to society and not your salary, how would you define your career goals?


How would your everyday decisions change if your community prioritized everyone's well-being over personal wealth?


How do you think prioritizing human connection over material wealth might change personal and societal happiness?


Would you be willing to trade some personal luxuries for a society with reduced economic inequality?


What aspects of your cultural identity might influence your views on a community-centered economy?


How might your approach to education change if the society valued knowledge for social impact over earning potential?


If success were measured by contributions to community rather than bank account size, what would success look like for you?


Do you think the focus on collective ownership would enhance or hinder technological advances and why?


How might your friendships evolve in a society focused on collective well-being over personal gain?


Can you think of a situation where you’ve felt that sharing was more satisfying than owning, and why did it feel that way?


What impact do you think eliminating interest on loans would have on your family and community?


How do you think a community-focused lifestyle would affect our planet and its resources?


Imagine a society that encouraged sharing goods instead of owning them; how would this affect your lifestyle and habits?


If you had to choose between a higher personal income and a more equitable society, which would you choose and why?


Do you think it’s possible to create a community where people are united by common good rather than divided by social status, and why?


How would you perceive success if society rewarded efforts toward collective good rather than individual wealth?


Could you envision a world where your basic needs are met without competition, and how does that make you feel?


If the acquisition of wealth was less of a focus in society, how do you think that would change interpersonal relationships?


What personal experiences have made you feel wealth should or should not be distributed more evenly?


How do you feel about the role of traditional charity mechanisms becoming institutionalized in modern state policies?

 @9HJHMN4 answered…6mos6MO

The leaders of Islam shows social human left wings with seats legs legend UK prime minister Boris Johnson and former us president Donald Trump hoping the government holds a press conference to release information about European Health and enable following males drugs


What would be your biggest concern about living in a society that integrates religious values into its economic reforms?


If a country's leaders promoted social equality through faith-guided policies, would you feel more or less represented, and why?


If a society took steps to eliminate extreme wealth and poverty, how might that change your sense of security and opportunity?


How would the integration of charitable giving as a policy affect the way you view social responsibilities?


How would you feel about eliminating interest-based transactions in favor of Islamic socialist economic systems?


What emotions do you experience when you think of eradicating poverty through combined religious and socialist efforts?


How can the principles of Islamic social justice enhance or conflict with your personal freedom?


Would you consider the redistribution of wealth as inspired by Islamic teachings to be an act of faith or a political strategy?


Imagine a society where wealth is shared according to need; do you feel this is fair, and why?