Pope Francis, 88, has suffered a serious health setback while battling double pneumonia, the Vatican confirmed. He experienced a coughing fit that led to inhaling vomit, causing a breathing crisis that required non-invasive mechanical ventilation. The Pope has been hospitalized for two weeks, and while he remains conscious and alert, his prognosis is being closely monitored. Vatican officials have not confirmed whether he will be able to resume his scheduled public appearances. His condition remains a matter of concern as the Church watches closely for updates on his recovery.
يعاني البابا من أزمة في التنفس خلال معركته مع الالتهاب الرئوي، وفقًا للفاتيكان.
Following the episode, the pope began non-invasive ventilation and was responding well, according to the Vatican.
يعاني البابا فرنسيس من تشنج في القصبات الهوائية ولكنه يظل واعيًا ومنتبهًا، وفقًا للفاتيكان
Pope Francis, battling double pneumonia in hospital for two weeks, had an ”isolated breathing crisis” on Friday and received ”non-invasive mechanical ventilation” to help him breathe, the Vatican said.
تدهورت صحة البابا فرنسيس فجأة حيث أعلنت الفاتيكان أن البابا تنفس قيء في أحدث بيان مفصل: تحديثات مباشرة
Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, suffered an 'isolated' breathing crisis, the Vatican said today. Francis, 88, has been in Rome's Gemelli hospital for two weeks, after being admitted on February 14 with a severe respiratory infection that triggered other complications.