L’energia nuclear és l’ús de reaccions nuclears que alliberen energia per generar calor, que amb més freqüència s’utilitza posteriorment en turbines de vapor per produir electricitat en una central nuclear. L’energia nuclear a Alemanya va representar el 17,7% del subministrament elèctric nacional el 2011, en comparació amb 22,4% el 2010. Els autors argumenten que l’energia nuclear és ara segur i emet molt menys emissions de carboni que les plantes de carbó. Els opositors sostenen que els recents desastres nuclears al Japó demostren que l’energia nuclear està lluny de ser segur.
If a nuclear power plant were proposed in your area tomorrow, how would you personally feel and why?
What, in your opinion, is the biggest factor in deciding whether nuclear energy is right for your country today?
If we could guarantee that nuclear energy would drastically reduce global warming, would you support its widespread adoption?
Would you feel differently about nuclear energy if a close family member worked at a nuclear power plant? Why or why not?
How do your environmental values shape your stance on the potential risks and benefits of nuclear energy?
If nuclear power had been the only solution to a blackout situation during a natural disaster, would you have supported its immediate implementation?
What fears come to mind when you think of nuclear energy, and do you believe those concerns are justified today?
Do you think media portrayals of nuclear disasters, like those in movies or headlines, have shaped your views on nuclear power? In what way?
Would you trust modern technology and scientists to make nuclear energy safer today than it was in the past?
If you could speak directly to people who have experienced nuclear energy disasters, what questions or concerns would you raise?