Prøv den politiske quiz

10 svar


Kan et parti effektivt ændre sit offentlige image, samtidig med at det bevarer sine kerneideologier, især efter kontroverser?


Hvordan ville du føle dig, hvis din region ønskede at blive uafhængig?


Hvad er dine tanker om at balancere national sikkerhed med at byde immigranter velkommen?


Mener du, at lande bør have mere kontrol over deres politikker, selvom det betyder mindre samarbejde med internationale organisationer som EU?


How do you define national identity, and do you think it's threatened by globalization?


Should there be stricter requirements for immigrants to integrate into a new country's culture and society?


Can focusing on traditional values benefit a society, or does it risk excluding certain groups?


What role do you think law enforcement should play in a community's sense of security?


In a diverse society, how can we balance the preservation of one's cultural heritage with the need to create a unified national identity?


Do you see Euroscepticism as a defense of national sovereignty, or a barrier to international cooperation?