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2 Replies

 @9LJSLM6Social Democraticfrom Idaho answered…2wks2W

No, instead of quotas per country, a points-based immigration system should be instituted to judge a migrant's status(i.e. employment skills, job offers, family reunification, refugee)

 @9JH7248from Iowa answered…3mos3MO

Depends on where they are from, not from a racist standpoint whatsoever, however, why they are coming to Deutschland.

 @9BMBBFLLeftfrom Texas answered…12mos12MO



A minimum baseline should be established (no quota should limit aid)


How could the distribution of migrants across countries affect relationships between different nations?


How do you think a government should balance its responsibility to its citizens and to global humanitarian needs?


What are the moral implications of countries having to accept a certain number of migrants?


Would you support a migrant quota if it meant aiding those in desperate need or escaping conflict?


How might your personal job prospects or education opportunities be influenced by an influx of migrants?


In what ways might a mandatory migrant quota challenge or enhance your community's values?


Could a migrant quota system affect your country's culture and social dynamics?


Is it fair for all countries to have a uniform migrant quota, regardless of their size or economy?


What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of having a set number for migrant intake?


How would you feel if your country was required to accept a certain number of migrants every year?


This question is ambiguous, it might be asking about requiring countries to allow in a certain minimum amount of migrants, or a certain maximum amount. I am in general in favor of removing barriers to migration.

 @vayect from Maine answered…3yrs3Y

 @7TBHR2C from Pennsylvania answered…3yrs3Y

No, this could decrease the number of immigrants allowed into the country


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