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1 Reply

 @9J3KYCRFree Democraticfrom New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

No, if the UK wishes to leave the EU then they shouldn't receive any benefits until they decide to join again

 @9974Y8Kfrom Maryland answered…1yr1Y

It should be decided by the UK and Northern Ireland. They should be allowed to, or allowed not to, but it potentially boosting the economy should definitely be taken into consideration.

 @99QZ5H9Social Democraticanswered…1yr1Y

Just Northern Ireland, Ireland should unify and NI should get automatic EU membership

 @99HM8S4Social Democraticanswered…1yr1Y

No, it will hurt their economy and prevents other nations from leaving


 @856VK5C from Maine answered…3yrs3Y


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