Try the political quiz

3 Replies


No, but introduce a tax on imported goods that are produced less eco friendly than good in our country (including carbon emission for transport)

 @9C8FX7Bfrom Texas answered…11mos11MO

 @9974N66Free Democraticanswered…1yr1Y

People have to live with a balance of their needs and companies have to survive to provide a means to those needs. If there are better technologies meeting the needs, will it not be naturally adopted as it is better than the current without much economic impact?


Ja, aber gleichzeitig auf eine Art und Weise, die nicht zu einer noch groesseren Ueberregulierung fuehrt als bereits bestehend. Umweltfreundliche Loesungen muessen im Ergebnis auch praktisch umsetzbar sein.

Yes, but not by too much. You should restrict them but also give Businesses enough freedom to make profit easily to stabilize the economy.



What personal values guide your opinions on the government's role in regulating business practices to address climate change?


If a major local employer was polluting your area's air or water, how would you expect the government to respond?


How do you perceive the balance between job creation and environmental protection in the context of stricter emissions regulations?


What sacrifices would you be willing to make in your lifestyle to ensure a cleaner environment for future generations?


Can you think of a time when government intervention led to a positive outcome for society, similar to how increased regulations could help the environment?


If your favorite products became more expensive due to environmental laws, how would that affect your buying habits?


In what ways do you think small business owners should adapt to new environmental regulations intended to reduce emissions?


Imagine a future with clean air and water; how might stricter environmental policies today help realize that vision?


Have you ever felt the effects of pollution in your own community, and how might stronger regulations prevent this?


How would your daily life change if businesses had stricter rules to combat climate change?

 @8PJHVJN from Pennsylvania answered…3yrs3Y

No, global warming is a hoax designed by the globalists to strip us of our national sovereignty.


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