Yes, this will help create and save more jobs
No, a global free trade system is better for our businesses and consumers
Yes, our country has been on the losing side of trade deals for too long
No, this will hurt our manufacturing businesses that rely on importing cheap resources to make their products

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 @9K94KFZfrom Maine answered…2mos2MO

Yes, depending on the country and product. Science, education, health care, and other essential products shouldn't be tariffed.


Depending on how these things are produced. Products that are produced in different countries to circumvent regulations should be subject to tariffs so companies that adhere top them (environmental, labor protection and similar regulations) are not in a disadvantage.

 @9DYVBRZfrom North Carolina answered…8mos8MO


Yes, but the minimal wage and welfare must also be increased so that the poorest can afford more expensive local products.


This needs to be a case by case discretion of the Government to be applied for a number of reasons of Economic advantage and social/environmental justice.

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