
Historical Results

See how support for each position on “Vaccine Mandates for Customers” has changed over time for 479 Germany voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Vaccine Mandates for Customers” has changed over time for 479 Germany voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Germany users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


They can ask for comfort reasons but it should not be a requirement. It should be in order to protect workers who do not want to take the risk.


No, that is private information and vaccines aren't proven to be 100% effective for preventing the spread of disease. Easier and safer to enforce masks upon entry.


Ja, aber nur wenn die möglichkeit besteht andere Kunden oder Angestellte zu gefährden.


Yes, they can ask about your sex life as well, and applicants are free to walk away from such a company, because the market can decide what's appropriate vs. inappropriate for a company to ask jobseekers. People can acquire skills to become more valuable on the market or start their own company if they disagree

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