Yes, but their identity must be privately verified by a female staff member
Yes, we should respect all cultural traditions

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Germany users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


I don’t care if women wear it or not but I think employers and stores and schools should have right to allow it or not allow it

 @99GNLM7from Michigan answered…1yr1Y

No, non-medical face veils are a violation of human rights and should not be endorsed or tolerated in any capacity.


Yes, everyone should be able to wear whatever they like, but they must remove it for the purpose of identification, as required by authorities, before putting it on again.


I think that we should respect people’s right to religion. However, we should also act in such a way that the safety of the populace is not at risk of being threatened.



It is not of interest of the government the sex or gender of the person wearing the clothing. But the identity of the person must be verified. It is not of interest to the government the sex or gender of the person verifying the identity, but if the attendee requests a equal or like gender service to verify, it should be reasonably honored, at discretion of the Governing agency and place . The government must respect, tolerate and be inclusive of the cultural practices of the people.