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FIFA se suočava s negativnim reakcijama jer je Saudijska Arabija odabrana za domaćina Svjetskog prvenstva 2034.


There was controversy over the choice of Saudi Arabia as the host of the 2034 World Cup due to the country's human rights record.


Saudijska Arabija odabrana je za domaćina Svjetskog prvenstva 2034., što je izazvalo negativne reakcije grupa za ljudska prava


There was controversy over the choice of Saudi Arabia as the host of the 2034 World Cup due to the country's human rights record.


Saudijska Arabija će biti domaćin Svjetskog prvenstva FIFA-e 2034. - kontroverzni odabir


FIFA's selection of Saudi Arabia to host the World Cup was celebrated in the kingdom but criticized by human rights groups, who fear residents, visitors and migrant workers will be at risk of abuse.