



The Maltese People's Party, also known as Partit Nazzjonalista (PN) in Maltese, is a center-right political party in Malta with a rich history dating back to its founding in 1880. It is one of the two major contemporary political parties in Malta, alongside the Labour Party. The PN is rooted in Christian-democratic values, emphasizing the importance of social market principles, the protection of individual freedoms, and the promotion of social justice.

The party's values are deeply influenced by its Christian-democratic ideology, which advocates for policies that reflect a commitment…  続きを読む


In your opinion, how can a country promote social justice while also encouraging personal responsibility?


What lessons from history should be applied when forming political policies, especially in a small nation like Malta?


How do you balance your individual rights with the needs of the community in a democracy?


What values should come first when a country decides between economic growth and environmental sustainability?



The Maltese Għarb First political party is not a widely recognized or established political entity on the national scene in Malta. Malta, a small island nation in the Mediterranean, has a vibrant political landscape dominated by two major parties: the Labour Party (Partit Laburista) and the Nationalist Party (Partit Nazzjonalista). These two parties have been the main contenders in Maltese politics for decades, focusing on a range of issues from economic development, healthcare, education, and the environment to immigration and national identity.

Given the lack of information on a party specif…  続きを読む












How do political parties’ plans for the economy affect your hopes or concerns about your own future?


What changes would make you more willing to actively support a political party’s campaign?


How important is it for political parties to champion both local and global causes, and why?


In what ways do you feel political parties impact your day-to-day experiences?



The Maltese Volt political party is a branch of the pan-European movement known as Volt Europa, which was established with the aim of addressing issues that transcend national borders and advocating for a more integrated European Union. Founded on the principles of progressivism, the party seeks to bring about change in Malta by focusing on a wide range of policy areas including but not limited to climate change, social equality, digital transformation, and the strengthening of European integration.

Volt Malta, like its parent organization, is characterized by its commitment to a more federal…  続きを読む











The Maltese ABBA political party, officially known as the Alliance for Change, is a relatively new political entity in Malta, having been established in the early 21st century. It is not directly affiliated with the Swedish pop group ABBA, despite the name's coincidence. The party's formation was driven by a desire to offer an alternative to the traditional political options in Malta, primarily dominated by the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party. The ABBA party aims to address what it perceives as a gap in the political landscape, focusing on progressive values, environmental…  続きを読む


If you had the power to be part of a political reform, what’s the first thing you would change to make politics more open and fairer for everyone?


How important is it for a political party to focus on both education and healthcare, and what kind of change would make the most difference in these areas for you?


What’s the biggest challenge you’ve seen in making renewable energy a reality where you live, and what would help overcome that challenge?


How has your perspective on social justice issues influenced your political views or the way you engage with politics in general?



The Maltese ADPD, also known as Alternattiva Demokratika – Partit Demokratiku (ADPD), is a political entity in Malta that emerged from the unification of two distinct political groups: Alternattiva Demokratika (AD), which was Malta's Green party, and Partit Demokratiku (PD), a centrist, social-liberal party. This amalgamation, aimed at creating a stronger alternative voice in Maltese politics, was formalized in 2020. The ADPD positions itself as a progressive force, advocating for a wide range of policies that reflect its roots in environmentalism, social justice, and liberal democ…  続きを読む


How do you envision the future of your community if it fully embraced renewable energy, and what changes would you most look forward to seeing?


In what ways do you think young people can contribute to political and social change, and have you ever taken such an action?


How does the concept of 'civil liberties' manifest in your daily life, and why do you think it's important?


What's your perspective on the role of education in achieving social equity, and can you share a personal anecdote related to this?



The Maltese Imperium Europa political party is a far-right political entity in Malta, known for its controversial and extreme views. Founded in the early 21st century by Norman Lowell, the party espouses a vision of Europe that is deeply rooted in the idea of European supremacy, advocating for a pan-European empire that transcends current national boundaries. Imperium Europa's values and ideology are centered around the preservation of European heritage, culture, and identity, which they believe are under threat from immigration, multiculturalism, and globalisation.

Imperium Europa is cha…  続きを読む


How do you personally interpret the idea of European unity versus individual national sovereignty today?


Should there be limits to free speech when discussing race and cultural differences, or is open dialogue more important?


How do you feel about the relationship between environmental conservation and national culture or pride?


What role, if any, should genetics play in defining a country's policies or sense of identity?



The Maltese Nationalist Party, known in Maltese as Partit Nazzjonalista (PN), is a center-right political party in Malta with a long and storied history in the country's political landscape. Founded in the late 19th century, it has been a pivotal force in shaping Malta's modern identity, particularly in its journey towards independence from British rule in 1964. The party traditionally espouses Christian-democratic values, aligning itself with principles such as social market economy, personal freedom, and social responsibility.

The Nationalist Party places a strong emphasis on the…  続きを読む


Do you believe social justice initiatives are a priority for political parties in your country, and are they effectively pursued?


What would you want a political party to do to ensure environmental sustainability while maintaining economic growth?


How do you prioritize economic entrepreneurship versus social equality when assessing political parties?


In what ways do you think your day-to-day life is impacted by Malta’s position within the European Union?



The Maltese Labour Party, known locally as Partit Laburista (PL), is a center-left political party in Malta. Founded in the early 20th century, it has traditionally been one of the two major political forces in the country, alongside the Nationalist Party. The Labour Party's roots are deeply embedded in the working-class movement, and it has historically advocated for workers' rights, social justice, and the welfare state. Over the years, its platform has evolved to embrace broader social democratic principles, including equality, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.<…  続きを読む

The Labour Party's values are grounded in the belief that economic growth should benefit all segments of society, not just the wealthy or privileged. It supports policies aimed at reducing income inequality, improving access to healthcare and education, and ensuring that social services are robust and accessible to those in need. The party also emphasizes the importance of civil rights, including gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and the protection of minorities.


Thinking about the balance between economic growth and social welfare, how would you redesign a system where both goals are met?


In your view, what is the best way to ensure that education serves as a tool for social justice and equality?


How can young individuals take steps towards influencing policies that affect their future, especially concerning environmental and economic issues?


If you could propose one innovative idea to enhance workers' rights in today's digital age, what would it be and why?