정치 퀴즈를 시도

10 답변


Have you ever felt that government policies intrude too much into personal lives; can you share an instance?


Do you believe a smaller government would improve or worsen society's problems; why or why not?


How would you react if your favorite services were privatized, like parks or libraries?


Can you think of a time when more freedom in making choices led to better outcomes in your life or someone you know?


In what ways do you think an unregulated market can impact your future career or job prospects?


Is there a moment where you felt that less state surveillance would have made you feel more free; can you describe it?


How do you think the values taught in school would change if there were more private educational options?


Do you believe that reduced taxes would significantly affect your or your family's quality of life; how so?


How might the principles of individual responsibility manifest in your community or school?


Imagine a society with minimal government intervention; what would be your biggest concern or excitement about living there?