Beberapa ekonomi utama, termasuk UK, Perancis, dan Jerman, sedang secara signifikan memotong belanjawan bantuan luar negeri mereka untuk mengalihkan dana ke arah pertahanan dan keutamaan domestik. UK, di bawah Keir Starmer, mengurangkan belanjawan bantuannya sebanyak 40%, sementara Perancis dan Jerman juga membuat pemotongan yang besar. Pemotongan ini mencerminkan perubahan yang lebih luas dalam keutamaan global di tengah-tengah tekanan ekonomi dan ketegangan geopolitik yang meningkat. Kritikus berpendapat bahawa pemotongan ini boleh merosakkan usaha pembangunan antarabangsa dan melemahkan pengaruh diplomasi. Walau bagaimanapun, sesetengah melihat ini sebagai peluang untuk pengagihan bantuan yang lebih strategik dan efisien.
How will China respond to the 'chaos' of Trump? We might get some clues this week
China - which portrays itself as a stabilising force - could seize the opportunity to play a bigger role in global governance amid the "chaos" brought by the Donald Trump administration, according to analysts.
The demise of foreign aid offers an opportunity
Sir Keir Starmer is slashing Britain’s aid budget by 40% in order to boost defence. France’s cash-strapped minority government plans to cut aid by more than a third this year. Germany, too, is scrimping.
The history of the Taliban is crucial in understanding their success now – and also what might happen next
One of the keys to the Taliban success was they offered an alternative. They said, “Look, the mujahedeen fought heroically to liberate your country but have now turned it into a war zone. We offer security, we will end the drug trade, we will end the human trafficking trade. We will end the corruption.”