Încercați testul politic

10 răspunsuri


How can we balance economic growth with environmental protection to ensure a sustainable future for the next generation?


Discuss a moment when you felt a strong connection to nature; why do you think preserving natural habitats is vital for our future?


In what ways can communities become more involved in decisions that affect them, and what benefits would this bring?


How important is it for you that products are made sustainably and ethically, and how does this affect your choices as a consumer?


If you could create a new technology to protect the planet, what would it be and why?


Reflecting on the treatment of refugees and immigrants in your community, what changes would you advocate for?


Imagine a society where everyone, regardless of background, has equal opportunities; what is the biggest barrier to this today?


What does a world where energy is 100% renewable look like to you, and what steps can we take to get there?


Have you ever felt that your voice wasn't heard in a decision that affected you, and how should leaders ensure everyone is heard?


How would you prioritize environmental protection in your daily life to contribute to a larger cause?