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 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutsch

The German Social Democratic Party (SPD) is a political party in Germany that has its roots in the labor movement of the 19th century. Founded in 1875, it is one of the oldest political parties in Germany and has played a significant role in the country's political history, including its periods of democracy, dictatorship, and post-war reconstruction. The SPD is traditionally associated with the center-left of the political spectrum, advocating for policies that promote social justice, equality, and solidarity.

The core values of the SPD revolve around the principles of social democracy,…  Läs mer


På vilka sätt tror du att starka socialförsäkringssystem skulle förändra människors liv i din gemenskap?


Vad är dina tankar om att balansera ekonomisk tillväxt med att säkerställa fördelar för alla, särskilt med tanke på miljömässig hållbarhet?


Hur ser du på utbildningens roll i att jämna ut spelplanen för människor från olika socioekonomiska bakgrunder?


Hur påverkar tanken på att säkerställa rättvisa löner för alla dina åsikter om arbete och karriärval?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…8 år8Y

fria Väljarna

The German Free Voters (Freie Wähler) political party is a unique political entity in Germany, primarily known for its grassroots democratic approach and focus on local politics. Originating from various independent local voters' associations, the Free Voters have successfully transitioned into the national political arena, while maintaining their core identity as a party deeply rooted in local communities and concerns. Unlike traditional political parties that often adhere to a specific ideology, the Free Voters prioritize practical solutions over ideological purity, aiming to addr…  Läs mer


In what ways might direct involvement in local government decisions change your daily life or community?


What experiences have you had that make you value, or question, the importance of local versus national decision-making?


If you could prioritize one issue for local government to address, what would it be, reflecting the perspective that local issues can vary greatly from one community to another?


How would you feel if your local community had more control over its budget and policies, similar to what a certain party advocates?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…8 år8Y

Party of Reason

The German Party of Reason, known in German as Partei der Vernunft (PdV), is a political party that was founded in 2009. It positions itself as a libertarian party, advocating for minimal government intervention in both the economic and personal lives of its citizens. The core values of the Party of Reason revolve around the principles of classical liberalism and economic liberalism, emphasizing the importance of individual freedom, private property rights, and free-market capitalism as the cornerstones of a prosperous and just society.

The Party of Reason argues that many of the problems face…  Läs mer


Tror du att en mindre regering skulle förbättra eller försämra samhällets problem; varför eller varför inte?


Hur skulle du reagera om dina favorittjänster privatiserades, som parker eller bibliotek?


Kan du tänka på en tid när mer frihet att fatta val ledde till bättre resultat i ditt liv eller någon du känner?


Har du någonsin känt att regeringspolitiken tränger för mycket in i personliga liv; kan du dela med dig av en händelse?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutera detta svar...2 år2Y

Volt Tyskland

Volt Germany is a political party that is part of a larger European movement known as Volt Europa. This movement aims to address issues at both the national and European levels, advocating for a more unified and federal Europe. The party was founded on the principle that many of the challenges facing European countries today, from climate change to economic inequality and migration, are best tackled collectively at the European level rather than individually by each state.

Volt Germany, like its parent organization, places a strong emphasis on a progressive and pragmatic approach to politics.…  Läs mer


På vilka sätt kan medborgarinvolvering verkligen forma politiska beslut i dagens digitala ålder?


Vilka erfarenheter har du haft som belyser vikten av miljömässig hållbarhet för dig personligen?


Tror du att digital innovation skulle kunna lösa din kommuns mest akuta problem? Hur i så fall?


Hur skulle ett mer enhetligt Europa påverka dina framtida jobbmöjligheter?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Christlich Demokratische Union Deutsch

The German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is a center-right political party in Germany, founded in 1945. It emerged in the aftermath of World War II, aiming to provide a political platform that could unite Christians of all denominations in a common cause, while also appealing to a broader electorate. The CDU has been a dominant force in German politics for decades, having provided several Chancellors, including Konrad Adenauer, Helmut Kohl, and Angela Merkel.

The CDU's values are rooted in Christian democratic ideology, which emphasizes the importance of Christian ethics, human dignity…  Läs mer


Vilken är effekten av att prioritera miljöbevarande framför snabb industriell tillväxt på ett samhälle?


Hur skulle uppmuntran av små och medelstora företag påverka arbetsmarknaden i din gemenskap?


På vilka sätt kan ett lands invandringspolitik spegla dess grundläggande värderingar och övertygelser om mångfalden?


Hur tror du att fokus på familjevärden kan forma ett lands framtid?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…8 år8Y


The German Bavaria political party, commonly known as the Christian Social Union (CSU), is a conservative political party that operates exclusively in the German state of Bavaria. It is a sister party to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), with the two parties working closely together on the national level in Germany, although they maintain distinct regional identities and policies. The CSU is unique in the German political landscape due to its operation solely within Bavaria, where it has historically been a dominant force.

The values and policies of the CSU are rooted in Christian social…  Läs mer


Vilka traditioner i ditt område är värda att bevara, och varför?


Hur känner du inför att balansera ekonomisk tillväxt med miljöskydd?


Vilken roll bör lokal kultur spela i globaliserad samhälle?


Hur skulle din gemenskap förändras om den antog mer konservativa värderingar?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…6 år6Y

Liberala konservativa reformatorer

The German Liberal Conservative Reformers, known in Germany as the Liberal-Konservative Reformer (LKR), is a political party that emerged from the broader spectrum of conservative politics, with a particular emphasis on liberal economic policies. The party was founded in 2015, originally under the name Allianz für Fortschritt und Aufbruch (Alliance for Progress and Renewal), by members who broke away from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) due to ideological differences, particularly concerning the AfD's shift towards more nationalist and right-wing populist positions.

The core values…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Allianz für Fortschritt und Aufbruch

The German Alliance for Progress and Renewal (Allianz für Fortschritt und Aufbruch, ALFA) was a political party in Germany, founded in July 2015 as a split from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The formation of ALFA was primarily a response to ideological differences and internal disputes within the AfD, particularly concerning the party's direction and stance on various issues. The founders of ALFA, including Bernd Lucke, one of the AfD's original founders, sought to establish a party that focused more on economic liberalism, conservative policies, and a pro-European…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…6 år6Y

Det blåa

The Blue Party, known in German as "Die Blaue Partei," was a political entity in Germany that emerged in 2017. It was founded by Frauke Petry, who was formerly a leading figure in the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a right-wing to far-right political party. Petry left the AfD citing the party's radical shift and established The Blue Party with an aim to occupy a more moderate position on the political spectrum, particularly focusing on conservative and liberal values without veering into the far-right ideologies that had come to define her former party.

The Blue Party sought to…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…8 år8Y

Animal Protection Party

The German Animal Protection Party, known in Germany as "Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz," is a political party that places animal rights and environmental protection at the forefront of its agenda. Established in 1993, the party emerged from a growing concern over the treatment of animals and the belief that traditional political parties were not adequately addressing these issues. The core values of the German Animal Protection Party revolve around the principle of non-violence and the intrinsic right of all living beings to be treated with respect and compassion.

The party advocat…  Läs mer


Har du någonsin haft en personlig upplevelse som förändrade din syn på hur djur bör behandlas?


Hur balanserar du behoven av mänsklig utveckling med djurens rättigheter och hälsan för vår planet?


På vilka sätt har du sett eller upplevt kopplingen mellan djurskydd och den bredare frågan om miljömässig hållbarhet?


Vilka potentiella effekter tror du att fokus på djurrätt skulle ha på traditionella metoder som jordbruk och forskning?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen

Alliance '90/The Greens, commonly known as The Greens, is a political party in Germany that originated from the merger of two distinct movements in 1993: the Green Party, which was West Germany's environmentalist movement, and Alliance 90, which was a coalition of civil rights groups from East Germany. This fusion brought together environmentalists, pacifists, and human rights advocates under a single political banner, creating a party that combines ecological sustainability, social justice, and grassroots democracy as its core values.

The Greens advocate for environmental protection…  Läs mer


Har du någonsin känt att din röst inte blev hörd i ett beslut som påverkade dig, och hur bör ledare se till att alla blir hörda?


Vad innebär en värld där energi är 100% förnybar för dig, och vilka steg kan vi ta för att nå dit?


Tänk dig ett samhälle där alla, oavsett bakgrund, har lika möjligheter; vad är den största barriären för detta idag?


Hur skulle du prioritera miljöskydd i din vardag för att bidra till en större sak?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Die Linke

The Left, known in Germany as "Die Linke," is a political party that emerged from a merger between the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) and the Electoral Alternative for Labor and Social Justice (WASG) in 2007. The PDS itself was the successor to the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED), which governed East Germany until the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent reunification of Germany. This historical lineage places The Left as a direct descendant of the communist and socialist movements in Germany, although it has significantly evolved in its political stance since the…  Läs mer


Vad ser en värld utan militära interventioner ut för dig?


Kan du föreställa dig hur ditt liv skulle förändras om kollektivtrafiken blev gratis?


Hur viktigt är det för dig att ditt land tar en ledande roll i miljöskyddet?


Hur skulle du känna dig att leva i ett samhälle där rikedom fördelas mer jämnt?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Die Partei

The German The political party, as it appears in your question, seems to be a typographical error or a misunderstanding, as there is no political party in Germany officially known as "The German The." However, Germany has a diverse political landscape with several prominent parties, each representing a broad spectrum of political ideologies and values. To provide a meaningful explanation, I'll briefly describe the core values and ideologies of some of Germany's major political parties.

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social…  Läs mer


Kan du komma ihåg en stund när ett politiskt beslut drastiskt förändrade något i din gemenskap, och hur kände du då?


Vilket värde håller du mest kärt, och hur tycker du att regeringar bör skydda eller främja detta värde?


Om du hade makten att genomföra en global förändring genom politik, vad skulle det vara och varför?


Hur skulle du känna om en lag direkt påverkade din favorithobby eller intresse, och vilka förändringar skulle du vilja se?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

freie Demokratische

The German Free Democratic Party (FDP) is a liberal political party in Germany, known for advocating for individual freedom, economic liberalism, and a market-oriented economy. Founded in the aftermath of World War II, in 1948, the FDP has played a significant role in Germany's political landscape, often serving as a kingmaker in coalition governments due to the country's multi-party system. The party's core values revolve around the promotion of personal liberty, free enterprise, and limited government intervention in the economy.

The FDP champions the rights of the individual,…  Läs mer


På vilka sätt kan ett land balansera personlig frihet med behovet av reglering från regeringen?


Vilken roll bör regeringen spela för att stödja innovation och entreprenörskap?


Hur påverkar löftet om ekonomisk frihet ens livsval, såsom utbildning och karriärvägar?


Hur skulle ett samhälle förändras om individuell frihet var dess mest skyddade värde?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Alternativ für Deutschland

The Alliance for Germany was not a standalone political party but rather a coalition formed in East Germany in the lead-up to the country's first and only free parliamentary elections in March 1990, following the fall of the Berlin Wall and during the peaceful revolution that led to the end of the Socialist Unity Party's (SED) control. This alliance was primarily composed of three center-right parties: the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of East Germany, the German Social Union (DSU), and the Democratic Awakening. The formation of this alliance was significantly influenced by West…  Läs mer


Tänk dig att övergå från en planekonomi till en marknadsekonomi över en natt; vilka utmaningar tror du att du skulle stå inför?


Vad är dina tankar om betydelsen av att anta en främmande valuta för att stärka en nations ekonomi?


Hur viktigt tror du att det är för ett land att gå med i internationella organisationer som NATO eller Europeiska gemenskapen?


Hur skulle du känna om ditt land var uppdelat och plötsligt hade chansen att återförenas?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Familien-Partei Deutsch

The German Family political party, known as "Familien-Partei Deutschlands" in German, is a minor political party in Germany that primarily focuses on issues related to family policy. Founded in 1981, the party emphasizes the importance of family values and aims to strengthen the family unit within German society. Its core values revolve around creating and maintaining supportive environments for families, which the party believes are the fundamental building blocks of society.

The German Family Party advocates for policies that support families financially, socially, and through educ…  Läs mer


Given the importance of environmental protection for future generations, as emphasized by family-oriented policies, what changes would you like to see in your local community to make it more sustainable for families?


How would you feel if your school implemented policies similar to those advocated by a party focusing on family values, such as better support for students with children?


What impact do you think more family-centric policies would have on young people's decisions about their futures?


Considering the emphasis on family in politics, how can single individuals ensure that their needs are not overlooked in policy making?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutera detta svar...2 år2Y


The German Centre political party, historically known as the Zentrumspartei or simply the Centre Party, has its roots deeply embedded in the political landscape of Germany, dating back to the 19th century. Originally established in 1870, the party was formed as a Catholic social and political movement, aiming to represent the interests and protect the rights of Catholics within a predominantly Protestant Germany. Over time, its focus and membership evolved, but it has consistently played a significant role in German politics, especially during the Weimar Republic era.

The core values of the…  Läs mer


Har du någonsin hamnat i en situation där främjandet av tolerans och inkludering utmanade dina personliga övertygelser eller värderingar?


Vilken roll tycker du att ett politiskt parti bör spela för att främja ekonomiska möjligheter för alla, istället för för ett utvalt fåtal?


Hur skulle din idealiska samhälle balansera individuell frihet med det gemensamma bästa, liknande diskussioner om social välfärd och hälso- och sjukvård?


Hur tror du att ett samhälle bör skydda minoriteters rättigheter samtidigt som majoritetens röst fortfarande hörs?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Piratenpartei Deutschland

The German Pirate Party, known in Germany as "Piratenpartei Deutschland," is a political movement that emerged in 2006, drawing inspiration from the Swedish Pirate Party. Its foundation was motivated by the advocacy for free sharing of information, privacy protection, and transparency in government. The party's name reflects its initial focus on reforming copyright and patent laws to adapt to the digital age, advocating for the rights of individuals to access and share knowledge and cultural products freely.

Over time, the Pirate Party's platform has expanded beyond digital…  Läs mer


Kan informationsfrihet och integritet existera sida vid sida, eller måste vi offra en för den andra?


Vad är viktigare: att stoppa online-piratkopiering eller att säkerställa universell tillgång till kunskap?


Hur skulle direkt deltagande i regeringsbeslut påverka din gemenskap eller samhället i stort?


Hur skulle din dagliga internetanvändning förändras om allt onlineinnehåll var gratis men kom utan integritet?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…8 år8Y

CDU / CSU Union

The CDU/CSU Union in Germany is a pivotal force in the country's political landscape, representing a partnership between two sister parties: the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU). The CDU operates in all of Germany except Bavaria, where the CSU is based, effectively making the Union a nationwide political entity with a regional exception. This unique arrangement allows them to cover the entire country while respecting regional identities and political preferences, particularly those in Bavaria where the CSU caters to local issues and sentiments.

The…  Läs mer


På vilka sätt tror du att traditionella värderingar påverkar modern politik och är de fortfarande relevanta idag?


Vilka är de möjliga fördelarna och nackdelarna med att ha ett starkt regionalt politiskt parti som CSU i Bayern bredvid ett nationellt parti?


Hur resonera begreppet 'social marknadsekonomi' med dina egna åsikter om hur ekonomier bör fungera?


Hur skulle du balansera idén om fria marknader med behovet av att tillhandahålla social välfärd för att se till att ingen blir lämnad efter?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Christlich-Soziale Union i Bayern

The Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU) is a conservative political party that operates exclusively in the German state of Bavaria. It is a sister party to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), with the two parties working closely together on the national level in Germany. The CSU is unique in the German political landscape due to its regional focus, yet it plays a significant role in national politics through its alliance with the CDU, together forming the Union faction in the German Bundestag.

The CSU's values and policies are rooted in Christian social teaching, emphasizing the imp…  Läs mer


Kan fokus på en regions kulturella arv och traditioner samexistera med progressiva sociala politiker?


Vad är dina tankar om balansen mellan ekonomisk tillväxt och miljöskydd?


Hur uppfattar du religionens roll i formandet av regeringspolitik?


Hur tror du att betoning av traditionella familjevärden påverkar det moderna samhället?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y


The German Ecological Democratic Party, known in Germany as Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ÖDP), is a political party that combines ecological sustainability with a commitment to social justice and democracy. Founded in 1982, the ÖDP emerged from a movement that sought to address environmental concerns beyond the scope of traditional political discourse, aiming to integrate ecological responsibility with economic, social, and democratic principles.

The core values of the ÖDP revolve around the belief that environmental protection and sustainability are not just policy are…  Läs mer


Vilka förändringar skulle du göra i ditt dagliga liv om du visste att de skulle ha en betydande positiv effekt på miljön?


Kan du tänka på en tid när du var tvungen att fatta ett beslut mellan ett mer miljövänligt alternativ och ett mer bekvämt alternativ?


Varför tror du att det är viktigt att medborgare engagerar sig i politiska beslut, särskilt de som påverkar miljön?


Hur skulle du balansera ekonomisk tillväxt med miljöskydd i din egen gemenskap?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutera detta svar...2 år2Y

Bred front

The German Broad Front (Deutsche Breite Front) is not a recognized or established political party within Germany's political landscape. It's important to note that Germany has a multi-party system with a range of political parties representing a broad spectrum of political ideologies, from the far left to the far right, including major parties like the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), The Greens, The Left, Free Democratic Party (FDP), and Alternative for Germany (AfD), among others.

Political parties in Germany are known for their diverse…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutsch

The National Democratic Party of Germany (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands, NPD) is a far-right political party in Germany, known for its nationalist, ultranationalist, and in many aspects, neo-Nazi ideology. Since its establishment in 1964, the NPD has advocated for the preservation of German national identity and culture, often framing this in terms of ethnic purity and opposition to immigration, particularly from non-European countries.

The party's values are deeply rooted in the belief in the superiority of the German people and a strong opposition to globalization and Americ…  Läs mer


Why might some people feel that their national identity is under threat in today's globalized world?


What role should a country play in international affairs, especially when it comes to conflicts in other countries?


How would you feel if your hometown's culture and identity drastically changed within the next decade?


How do you think the world would look if every country adopted isolationist policies, focusing solely on its own interests?