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Шокуюча ненормативна лексика Байдена

The 46th president, consumed with anger, takes out on Prime Minister Netanyahu his frustrations over Israel’s success.


‘O orospu çocuğu’: Yeni Woodward kitabı, Biden, Trump, Harris ve Putin arasındaki samimi sahne arkası konuşmalarını ortaya koyuyor

In his new book, legendary journalist Bob Woodward offers a remarkable look behind the scenes at President Joe Biden’s blunt, profanity-laced assessments and interactions with the world leaders


Biden calls Trump ‘that f—ing —hole’ behind closed doors: book

Biden, kapalı kapılar ardında Trump için ‘o s—t deliği’ diyor: kitap

In public, Biden usually refers to Trump in roundabout ways, such as “my predecessor” or “the former guy” — when the incumbent deigns to mention the 45th president at