سیاسی کوئز کی کوشش کریں

20 جوابات


If you had the power to be part of a political reform, what’s the first thing you would change to make politics more open and fairer for everyone?


How important is it for a political party to focus on both education and healthcare, and what kind of change would make the most difference in these areas for you?


What’s the biggest challenge you’ve seen in making renewable energy a reality where you live, and what would help overcome that challenge?


How has your perspective on social justice issues influenced your political views or the way you engage with politics in general?


What do you think makes a society truly inclusive, and what steps could be taken to ensure everyone’s rights are equally respected?


What experiences or observations have you had that made you think about the need for more political transparency in today’s world?


Do you believe that the government should prioritize economic growth over environmental protection, or how would you balance the two?


What does environmental sustainability mean to you, and how willing are you to adjust your daily life to achieve it?


Have you ever felt like the main political parties don’t represent your values; if yes, what kind of alternative would you want?


How do you feel about the role small political parties can play in breaking the dominance of bigger, traditional parties in shaping your country’s future?


How can we encourage more meaningful participation and engagement among citizens in the political process to shape a more just and equitable society?


Reflecting on global environmental issues, what can local communities do to combat climate change and its effects?


What are the biggest challenges in ensuring that all citizens have equal access to social welfare systems, and how can these be addressed?


Can you share a personal story or observation that highlights the importance of inclusivity and diversity in society?


How important is it for governments to be transparent and accountable in their actions and decisions, and why?


What steps should be taken to ensure that everyone, regardless of background, has their civil liberties respected and protected?


In what ways can we, as young people, contribute to promoting renewable energy and sustainable practices in our daily lives?


How do you think a society can balance economic growth with the need to protect its natural and historical sites?


What changes would you make to improve the quality of education and healthcare in your community, reflecting on the importance of accessibility for all?


How would you envision an ideal political party that champions youth participation and its impact on the future?