سیاسی کوئز کی کوشش کریں

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 @ISIDEWITHمنسلک…2 دن2D

روسی فشار بڑھتا ہے، یو این ماہر کا کہنا ہے، سیاسی قیدیوں کے لیے خوف اظہار کرتے ہوئے


State repression has worsened in Russia since the invasion of Ukraine, a U.N. expert said on Tuesday, warning of arbitrary imprisonment and risks for more than 1,000 political prisoners. The Bulgarian former Amnesty International investigator said in a report on Russia's rights record that oppression had intensified since the February 2022 Ukraine war began,

 @ISIDEWITHمنسلک…2 دن2D

آزاد روسی سیاسی قیدیاں مطالبہ کرتے ہیں کہ 1000 سے زیادہ قیدیاں رہائی دی جائے جو بڑھتی ہوئی سرکشی کے دوران قید میں ہیں


Freed Russian political prisoners urged for the release of over 1,000 still incarcerated, as U.N. expert Mariana Katzarova described worsening state repression. Highlighting their plight, Russian opposition figures and activists emphasized the urgency of international pressure to ensure justice and human rights.