Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9LN3FMNSocial Democraticfrom Oregon answered…2mos2MO

I think elected officials represent the people's views on the law. If the people's view or will isn't followed, they should influence the laws that govern them.

 @9LM849WChristian Democratic Unionfrom Oregon answered…2mos2MO

Every citizens should live under the law and there is no one that is going above it. Because when one person crosses the line, another would be well this person did not do this. To prevent that we have to have everyone don't care who you are to abide by the law.

 @9LKTXQQfrom Oregon answered…2mos2MO

A large influence. A democracy is based on the people, therefore their rights and opinions should matter the most. Elected officials are biased in that they will make decisions that keep them in charge.