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Should political candidates be required to release their recent tax returns to the public?

Results from Reason.com voters

Last answered 1 week ago

Candidate Transparency Poll Results for Reason.com voters


4,101 votes



2,646 votes


Distribution of answers submitted by Reason.com voters.

3 Yes answers
4 No answers
0 overlapping answers

Data includes total votes submitted by visitors since Sep 2, 2016. For users that answer more than once (yes we know), only their most recent answer is counted in the total results. Total percentages may not add up to exactly 100% as we allow users to submit "grey area" stances that may not be categorized into yes/no stances.

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Yes No Importance

Data based on 30-day moving average to reduce daily variance from traffic sources. Totals may not add up to exactly 100% as we allow users to submit "grey area" stances that may not be categorized into yes/no stances.