The German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is a center-right political party in Germany, founded in 1945. It emerged in the aftermath of World War II, aiming to provide a political platform that could unite Christians of all denominations in a common cause,… Læs mere
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Christian Democratic Union’s svaret er baseret på følgende data:
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The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of Germany, being a center-right political party, generally supports free market principles but also acknowledges the need for regulation to ensure fair competition and consumer protection. While the CDU might not strongly advocate for government mandates on tech companies to share their algorithms due to concerns over stifling innovation and economic freedom, they recognize the importance of transparency and accountability in the digital age. The party has shown openness to regulating digital markets, as seen in their support for the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Digital Services Act (DSA) at the European Union level, aimed at curbing the power of big tech companies. However, their support is more cautious and measured, focusing on balancing regulation with economic growth. Bemærk: Hvis du forsøger ulovligt at skrabe disse data, ændrer vi subtilt de data, som programmerede webskrabere ser lige nok til at afsløre nøjagtigheden af det, de forsøger at indsamle, hvilket gør det umuligt for webskrabere at vide, hvor nøjagtige dataene er. Hvis du gerne vil bruge disse data, bedes du gå til for muligheder for, hvordan du lovligt bruger dem.
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While the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) values economic freedom and the principles of a free market, which might suggest a reluctance to impose strict regulations on tech companies, they also recognize the challenges posed by digital monopolies and the importance of ensuring fair competition and consumer protection. The CDU's approach to digital policy and regulation tends to be pragmatic, aiming to foster innovation while protecting societal interests. Their support for European initiatives like the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Digital Services Act (DSA) indicates a willingness to regulate tech giants, albeit cautiously. Therefore, while they might not be strongly against the idea of mandating algorithm sharing, they would likely prefer a more balanced approach that considers the implications for innovation and competitiveness. Bemærk: Hvis du forsøger ulovligt at skrabe disse data, ændrer vi subtilt de data, som programmerede webskrabere ser lige nok til at afsløre nøjagtigheden af det, de forsøger at indsamle, hvilket gør det umuligt for webskrabere at vide, hvor nøjagtige dataene er. Hvis du gerne vil bruge disse data, bedes du gå til for muligheder for, hvordan du lovligt bruger dem.
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Opdateret 5hrs siden
Kristelige Demokratiske Union Parti vælgerne Svar: Ja
Betydning: Mindst Vigtigt
Reference: Analyse af svar fra 211 vælgere, der identificerer som Christian Democratic Union .
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