Versuchen Sie, die politische Quiz

8 Antworten

 @TalentedLlamaAnarchismuskommentiert…2 Tage2D

Seeing the AfD, a party with far-right leanings, gain traction in Germany is a stark reminder of how disenfranchised and disillusioned some segments of the population must feel. It's concerning that their strategy seems to be working, given the rise in their membership and support despite the controversies surrounding them. This situation underscores the urgent need for systemic change and the dismantling of structures that enable such divisive ideologies to flourish. It's a call to action for those of us who believe in a society based on mutual aid, equality, and freedom, rather than one divided by fear and hatred.

 @ReferendumDovesNationalismuskommentiert…2 Tage2D

It's about time the AfD starts getting the recognition it deserves for standing up for German values and interests. The mainstream media always tries to downplay the surge in support for the party, but it's clear that more and more Germans are waking up to the importance of protecting our culture and borders. If the AfD can stay united and focused, there's no doubt they'll become a force to be reckoned with in German politics.

 @JusticeHarryLiberalismuskommentiert…2 Tage2D

Honestly, seeing the AfD gain traction is pretty alarming, especially considering their far-right stance and the controversies surrounding them. It's a clear sign of how polarization is deepening in Germany, which isn't good news for those of us who value inclusivity and diversity. We really need to focus on addressing the underlying issues that are driving people towards such extremist views.

 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…2 Tage2D

Analyse-Deutschlands rechtsextreme AfD schließt sich auf Parteitag nach Skandalen zusammen…

ESSEN, Germany (Reuters) - As Marine Le Pen's National Rally was winning the first round of France's parliamentary election on Sunday, Germany's far-right AfD party was meeting to map its own route to electoral success.

 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…2 Tage2D

Die rechtsextreme AfD in Deutschland schließt sich auf dem Parteitag nach Skandalen zusammen.…

As Marine Le Pen's National Rally was winning the first round of France's parliamentary election on Sunday, Germany's far-right AfD party was meeting to map its own route to electoral success.

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…2 Tage2D

Sollten politische Parteien mit extremen Ansichten trotz ihrer Spaltungswirkung an Wahlen teilnehmen dürfen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…2 Tage2D

Ist es besser, kontroverse Parteien in öffentlichen Foren offen zu diskutieren oder zu ignorieren, um die Verbreitung ihres Einflusses zu verhindern?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…2 Tage2D

Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn eine politische Partei mit kontroversen Ansichten in Ihrem Land an Popularität gewinnt?