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 @9CNX5FSAlliance ’90/Greensanswered…10mos10MO

Yes, but with the option to work in a social service instead, like a hospital.

 @9BPCVKKfrom Idaho answered…12mos12MO


 @99NYQ2Xfrom Pennsylvania answered…1yr1Y

No, however every 18 year old citizen should be required to sign up for a draft


Yes, but other types of nonviolent civil service should also be acceptable.

 @99J648Gfrom Manitoba answered…1yr1Y

Maybe, I would just insist on being allowed to be a conscientious objector within said service.

 @99CXKXFfrom Arkansas answered…1yr1Y

Every 18 year old citizen should be required to fulfill one year of national service, of which military service should be an option.

 @99C5Q6SLeftfrom New Jersey answered…1yr1Y

Yes but with non-combat training options for conscientious objectors.

 @99C5HJJfrom California answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but it should be more skill development and education based, but you can apply for exemptions


Yes but allow all social and cultural services as potential institutions.

 @96B977PFree Democraticanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes but with an option to serve not just in the military but also in social services like school or medical centers


Yes, but only for those who do not pursue further education or employment and are not suffering from a disability, be it mental or physical.


Yes, but there has to be a choice between military and civil service, as it already existed before 2011. Furthermore, if implemented, it has to be mandatory for men and women.


 @8T2MR2ZAlliance ’90/Greensanswered…3yrs3Y

An intensive 5-6 boot camp would suffice, along with continued training every year in order to ensure disciplined and qualified reserves.

Yes, but only for a few months. Not a whole year, and more focus on education and skill development.


How do you perceive the balance between individual freedom and civic duty when considering a year of compulsory military service?


If given a choice, would you prefer alternative forms of national service, such as in healthcare or community work, over military service?


How might a year of mandatory service affect relationships and family planning for young adults?


Do you feel that the discipline and structure of the military could be an effective tool in shaping responsible adults, or is it too restrictive?


Would the obligation to serve in the military for a year influence your voting decisions or political involvement?


In what ways do you think requiring a year of military service might change your perspective on global conflicts and national security?


How do you think mandatory military service at 18 could affect the sense of national identity and unity among young people?


Can you imagine benefits in personal growth from compulsory military service, or do you believe it would be an unnecessary hardship?


If you had to serve for a year, which skills would you hope to gain from the military that could be beneficial in civilian life?


How would a mandatory year of military service at 18 impact your plans for education or starting a career?

 @spaceUnicorn018 from VI answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only because the country is currently in a complicated geopolitical situation


Yes, they should be required to provide at least 2 years, but only in the reserves, which includes mandatory boot camp and training.


Yes, but also include First Responder as an alternative to military service

 @93BW4X4 from California answered…2yrs2Y

Citizens should be required to provide service in some form, but not required military service.

 @92ZYZRW from Missouri answered…2yrs2Y

There should be two years of mandatory service or 4 years and immunity to the draft or further conscription.



No, Milton Friedman argues that conscription is unfair in a capitalist country..


No, Milton Friedman argued that conscription was unfair in capitalist countries.


No, Milton Friedman argues that conscription is unfair in capitalist countries.


No, Milton Fridman claimed that Conscription is inadequate in capitalist countries


No, Milton claimed that conscription is inadequate in capitalist countries

 @8ZRVN7J from Connecticut answered…2yrs2Y

No, service should be a choice. The people we'd be mandating to serve would do more harm than good.

 @8ZGR65P from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

 @8Y6XX9F from Massachusetts answered…2yrs2Y

 @8YT8Q57 from Indiana answered…2yrs2Y

Those physically and mentally able should but those who arent shouldnt


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