In August 2015, the German weekly Die Zeit disclosed reported that BND completed a deal with the NSA to get access to the surveillance platform XKeyscore. Internal documents show that Germany's domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), received the software program XKeyscore from the NSA in return of data from Germany.
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@9SN995YSocial Democratic5mos5MO
Yes, but enact legislation to ensure that there cannot be any form of corruption with the allowance of monitoring communications to ensure the freedoms in Germany
Yes, but it must be completely illegal to for any information gathered by the monitoring of phone calls and emails to be divulged to the public, except for information which was also discovered by other legal means
The monitoring of a phone call or an email should be with an option to whether the person wants to allow the government to do so or no. If said person has done multiple crimes then their emails and phone calls should be monitored all the time.
Yes, also the government already does this and if you are a good citizen then you have nothing to fear in the first place
Yes, but only by court order except for terrorism suspects who do not need court authorization
Only for those suspected of criminal activities.
Yes, but only when there is evidence of a crime planning
@98LPVCYFree Democratic2yrs2Y
No, and enact legislation preventing government surveillance of citizen communications without due warrant.
@8TKC2SFFree Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but only with firm processes in place and documentation of everything.
No, unless the people that are monitored are suspected terrorists or criminals.
Yes but only for proven terrorists
No, and all Espionage (CSIS, CSE, et al...) should be banned.
No. This is a violation of privacy.
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