Try the political quiz

1 Reply

 @85KTNJBChristian Democratic Union from Kentucky answered…11mos11MO

Yes, but it must be completely illegal to for any information gathered by the monitoring of phone calls and emails to be divulged to the public, except for information which was also discovered by other legal means

 @9BTT5CZAlliance for Germanyfrom Limassol answered…12mos12MO

The monitoring of a phone call or an email should be with an option to whether the person wants to allow the government to do so or no. If said person has done multiple crimes then their emails and phone calls should be monitored all the time.

 @9BFWTV7Alliance for Germanyfrom Michigan answered…1yr1Y

Yes, also the government already does this and if you are a good citizen then you have nothing to fear in the first place

Yes, but only by court order except for terrorism suspects who do not need court authorization

 @99CBV5Bfrom Maryland answered…1yr1Y

 @98LPVCYFree Democraticanswered…1yr1Y

No, and enact legislation preventing government surveillance of citizen communications without due warrant.

 @8TKC2SFFree Democraticanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only with firm processes in place and documentation of everything.


No, unless the people that are monitored are suspected terrorists or criminals.


In a digital age filled with threats, should privacy still be considered an unalienable right?


How does the possibility of having your digital footprint monitored affect your sense of freedom and trust in the government?


Would you accept more government surveillance if it significantly decreased acts of terror?


If your safety was at stake, would you be willing to give up some privacy, and where do you draw the line?


Does the thought of being watched or listened to by someone you don't know make you uncomfortable, and why?


Imagine your life as an open book; how would that change the way you communicate online?


What would you do if you found out your personal messages were being monitored to prevent potential crimes?


When, if ever, do you believe the benefits of surveillance outweigh the right to privacy?


How would you feel if your personal conversations were listened to without your consent for national security?


Have you ever felt like your privacy was compromised, and if so, what should be the limits of that invasion?

  @buday4vancouver from Washington answered…3yrs3Y

  @8P6PWZP from Louisiana answered…3yrs3Y


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