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Only the states which have multiple records of basic human rights violations, and aggressive outside policies.


There has to be measures in place that diminish the possibility for EU member states to become authoritarian

 @85KTNJBChristian Democratic Union from Kentucky answered…12mos12MO

No, but Marxist-Leninist and state-socialist regimes must be prohibited from being EU member countries

 @9BTT5CZAlliance for Germanyfrom Limassol answered…12mos12MO

The EU only should sanction member countries with authoritarian governments if there are multiple records of basic human rights violations, and aggressive outside policies.


I feel like this is a very difficult question as those sanctions might deeply damage the German economy and the wellbeing of the citizens. The economy and the citizens should be prioritized in this situation.

 @99M6CJHfrom North Carolina answered…1yr1Y

Yes, if they are threatening or hurting their citizens or other countries


Sanction in a way that doesn't harm the common person. Or rather give humanitarian support to those negatively affected by the authoritarian rule.

 @973NZP7Social Democraticanswered…1yr1Y

The EU shal not sanction countries as such but we shal try our best to not incorporate there situations in our daily living.

 @9642ZYJFree Votersanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only on the basis of clearly defined rules. So that sanctions are used against all authoritarian governments, not only ones we don't make deal with or we don't like.


If Germany can afford it, sure. But right now the German people are paying insane prices and it’s not really safe for their standard of life


No Sanction but if the state continues its government with authoritarian traits then it should be discussed in EU council and at last it should be dismembered from EU.

 @9D3DJJLfrom Oregon answered…9mos9MO

 @98X96CSfrom California answered…1yr1Y

 @98HH2MTfrom Washington answered…1yr1Y

 @97PRLK8Social Democraticfrom Illinois answered…1yr1Y

Sanctions that affect only the government and not the people. Take the rich persons assets


Yes, but limited to authoritarian officials, not extended to jeopardize the livelihood of innocent citizens.


Define what is an authoritarian government. The question is not clear



What actions would you take if your own government's decisions led to international sanctions and directly affected your life?


How do you think a country's population should be involved in decisions about sanctions because of their government's actions?


In what ways do you think the EU should balance the sovereignty of its member states with its commitment to democracy and human rights?


Could sanctions by an international body like the EU effectively encourage changes in an authoritarian government, or would they harm citizens?


If you were a leader in the EU, how would you respond to a member country adopting policies you disagree with?


Can imposing sanctions on a country with an authoritarian government ever lead to positive change for its citizens?


Should the EU interfere in the political decisions of a sovereign country to uphold democratic principles?


How would you feel if your country faced penalties for the actions of its leaders?


How important do you think it is for individual countries to have the same political values in a union like the EU?


How might living under an authoritarian government impact your day-to-day freedom compared to living in a democracy?



No, because it’s not up to the EU to tell nations, like Hungary or Poland, how to interact with other nations or rule its own nation.

 @8BVCB3Y from Minnesota answered…4yrs4Y


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