Should Germany raise or lower the tax rate for corporations?
Germany currently levies a 15% tax on all businesses. The average corporate tax rate worldwide is 22.6%. Opponents of argue that raising the rate will discourage foreign investment and hurt the economy. Proponents argue that the profits corporations generate should be taxed just like citizen's taxes.
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Lower partially, then lower it further after the national debt is reduced
1) Eliminate citizen income tax, and restructure corporate earnings tax to a lower linear incrementing tax.(i.e. Set a bottom threshold of $10M annual gross profit at 2%, $50M at 3%, $100 at 4%... and cap at $100B at %15). With no loopholes, and assessed to any company that does business in the US, regardless of where the corporate HQ are and where products/services are generated, to avoid "Off shore" parent company strategy.
2) Simplify, but increase property tax for all entitles, civilian, local business, and corporations. This tax would also scale linearly.
3) Eliminate local and state sales tax and institute a national Value Added Tax dispersed between local, state, and federal proportionally
No, and the corporate tax should be eliminated to ensure competitive fairness.
Yes, that will keep jobs in the U.S and hopefully encourage companies to move to the U.S
Keep it at the worldwide rate to maintain a place in the global market.
Remove taxes on corporations, but the individual income of the shareholders and corporate officials should pay income tax like everyone else.
not knowledgeable for this
Yes but only the big corporations
Raise, but only for large monopolistic corporations such as Disney and Google.
Tax all transactions at a flat rate above a threshold.
Eliminate the income tax by repealing the 16th Amendment
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