In November 2018 German chancellor Angela Merkel and President Emmanuel Macron of France announced that they would support the creation of a European army. Ms. Merkel said that the EU should rely less on the U.S. for military support and that “Europeans should take our fate more into our own hands if we want to survive as a European community.” Ms. Merkley said the army would not oppose NATO. President Marcon said the army is needed to protect the EU against China, Russia and the United States. Proponents argue that the EU lacks a united defence force to handle sudden conflicts outside of NATO. Opponents question how the army would fund itself since many EU countries spend less than 2% of their GDP on defence.
Yes, but contribution should be optional with higher contribution per capita yielding more seats on the EU parliament.
Yes, but I don´t believe it would be effective since its use would probably need to be approved by every nation.
No but I support greater cooperation between member states and their respective militaries
Yes, but each nation should still keep a national army.
There is NATO (whose members include Germany, the US, Great Britan,etc) which is an Army composed of 30 nations in spite the fact, there is no need to create an "European Army"
Yes, since my stance is utopic
I don't support the creation of any army really.
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