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 @9CTFD6Sfrom North Carolina answered…9mos9MO

 @9C2TJK8from Oklahoma answered…11mos11MO

Yes but should be treated humanely. Having a good habitat for all animals.

 @9BFQB26from Oregon answered…1yr1Y

No, it is inhumane if they are put into danger or put in pain because of them.

 @9BDB5GZfrom Illinois answered…1yr1Y

 @99FLDG8from Arizona answered…1yr1Y


Certainly not for cosmetics and If there is no other viable way to test medicines such as through cellular cultures.

 @997HKDPLeftfrom Florida answered…1yr1Y

Only in humane conditions where the animal could be respected in the case they die or are affected in other ways

 @989KQHPfrom Michigan answered…1yr1Y

Depending on the type of animal I think animals that aren’t very good she be tested on


Humane way to test animals, find a way not to harm or vet animals suitable

 @97SVHMMSocial Democraticanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, but as long as it doesn’t severely harm the animal and until there’s a better alternative


 @96JVDCZNational Democraticanswered…2yrs2Y

No, it is illogical to imply that animals are always representative for what humans are affected by

 @9CQ3JMDThefrom California answered…10mos10MO


No, unless I’m very rare exceptions where it is a matter of worldwide health problems.


In vitro cell culture, organ on a chip, tissue/human on a chip models can be an option.


No except if it is actually needed and makes sense because often the test on animals are useless anyway because the aren't humans


as long as we don't have better options we can't forbid it, but we need to have better options in the long run. that being said. definitely already ban it for cosmetics.


They should be allowed to use animals to test drugs, vaccines, and medical devices, but testing cosmetics on animals should be illegal.


If you had to choose between a tested and an untested medicine in a critical situation, knowing the tested one involved animal testing, which would you choose and why?


Imagine if animal testing had never been allowed; in what ways do you think modern medicine might be different?


Can you think of a situation where you would consider animal testing justifiable, and what would that situation be?


What is your standpoint on the moral implications of sacrificing animal lives for potentially life-saving drugs for humans?


How might society change if animal testing for medical research was no longer permitted?


Have you or someone you know ever benefited from a medical treatment developed through animal testing?


If there was an equally effective alternative to animal testing, would you support a complete switch and why?


What are your thoughts on the balance between human health benefits and the welfare of animals in medical research?


Have you ever used a medical treatment and later found out it was tested on animals; what was your reaction?


How do you feel about using animals for testing the products you use daily?

 @842VWLK from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

yes, but only if one, it has a low risk of greatly harming the animal, and two, the medical device/vaccine will save millions of lives, wipe out a virus, and/or is groundbreaking. ban cosmetic testing on animals altogether.

 @7VRTYM5 from New Jersey answered…2yrs2Y

 @92JXK3J from New York answered…2yrs2Y

Not for cosmetics, and ensure that the animals are treated ethically.

 @93GLTS3 from Nebraska answered…2yrs2Y

 @93FNHSZ from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

 @932GCCP from Texas answered…2yrs2Y

 @92W2JVT from Ohio answered…2yrs2Y


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