In the U.S. mail-in voting is a form of voting in which a ballot is mailed to the home of a registered voter who fills it out and returns it by postal mail or drops it off in-person at a voting center. Five U.S. states routinely conduct all-mail elections: Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Utah. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic four additional states—California, Nevada, New Jersey and Vermont—and the District of Columbia have pledged to mail out ballots to all properly registered voters for the November 2020 election.
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Political party:
Voting for candidate:
Regardless, we should implement policies to make voting more accessible
It is not necessary and may make things more complicated.
Yes, at the discretion of individual states
No, unless you can guarantee the integrity and reliability of everyone's vote and give voters a way to confirm the reception of their ballot and it's contents.
I support verified absentee voting where identification and eligibility is verified, but not just sending out ballots to voter rolls regardless of request.
Only if the state has the infrastructure to handle it.
It should be left up to the States
Yes, but it should be secure and worked on like arizona.
Individual States should decide
No, but permit absentee balloting for all voters that opt for it (regardless of reason).
Yes, operated at the state level.
Not universal mail-in-ballots, but absentee ballots should be able to be requested by any registered vote that cannot make it to the polls.
No, changing the standard election process on such a wide scale mere months before an election, when there already exists examples of it causing issues on a small scale, is highly irresponsible. Perhaps in the future after the issues are worked out completely.
Election law is a state matter
Yes, but for only the disabled and the elderly.
Let the each state and locality decide for itself.
Yes, but as an option and not to replace in person voting
Allow this to be decided at the state level.
Yes, but each ballot must be requested through a verification process akin to absentee-ballots.
what do you mean by "whole" state
Yes, for national-level elections. States and/or municipalities should dictate mail-in procedures for their own elections.
No, it is inefficient and subject to fraud.
implement a secure online voting process
Subsidize future technologies that would allow safe and secure online voting, that can also verify ID and citizenship status. This could be done by having a web-conference with a poll manager so that a person can verify one's legality to vote.
No, there is tremendous voter fraud associated with mail-in voting
No, voting in person is a better way to maintain the security of our elections, and return to a paper ballot system.
The process we have now, requesting a mail-in ballot, is sufficient
implement a secure online voting process so you don't have to worry about delays.
This is an issue for each state to determine
Yes, but only if there are investigators put in place to take suspect, improperly mailed, and random samples and investigate them so that duplicates are removed and accidental failures recouped.
It should be an option, but in person voting on machines should be the standard.
No, this makes voter fraud much easier.
Only if ballots are solicited
Yes, there is currently no way of maintaining a fully hermetic encryption voting system, even our allies such as SK have managed to break down encrypted packets quite readily, and our opposition of China is far beyond such measures as they’re intellectual thieves with many eyes in SK and our other allies.
No, voting procedures are a state issue.
The matter should be left up to the several states.
Not informed enough for a valid opinion
Yes, and each voter should have a wide choice of secure, trustworthy methods to deliver their votes
Yes, and each voter should have a variety of secure, trustworthy methods to cast their votes.
Yes, and each voter should have a wide choice of secure, trustworthy methods to deliver their votes.
No often times voter fraud happens with mail in voting absentee voting should be the voting process if you cannot vote in person
Yes, each voter should have a wide choice of secure, trustworthy methods to deliver their votes.
Abolish Mail-In & Absentee Voting
No, but absentee ballots should be made accessible to people who feel unsafe coming to a physical polling place.
Yes, but prefer a national day off to vote
Yes, but only once it is less risky and less fraudulent.
There needs to be actual applications and confirmations, not just sending out wide amounts of ballots.
No, but create a secure online voting system that allows 1 vote per US Citizen without requiring party affiliation but only prior online registration and verification (similar to tax returns and stimulus payments at but far better).
Absolutely not. Mail-in ballots are proven to have massive vulnerabilities to abuse and fraud. Case in point the ballot harvesting in Minnesota for Ilhan Omar.
No, because they can be easily messed with and rigged and the traditional way of voting is much more efficient.
Regardless, that is a decision best left up to the individual state.
I think votes should be done online
Yes, but have online options and mailing procedures that are made secure and only if they are not able to go in and vote.
Yes, but such a process should be implemented in the years prior to a major election, not the same year
Hell no! Vote in person and show a valid ID.
No, implement a secure online voting process that uses several personal identifiers in order to reduce the prevalence of voter fraud. We have the technology to do so.
yes, but only for elderly and people with medical conditions that do not allow them safely leave the house
States should be able to choose their voting laws.
No, but if the voters have restricted transportation such as the elderly, then yes.
Yes, we should have safe and easy alternatives to voting however cut off date needs to be earlier so that the vote is not received after election night. Also should have multiple drop off locations in every county.
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