Try the political quiz

140 Replies

 @9S6KB2JSocial Democraticfrom North Carolina  answered…5mos5MO

 @9PZP48Rfrom Alabama  answered…7mos7MO

Both civilians Hamas and the governments are to blame to many men women and children dying both sides


War is wrong and unnecessary death over religion is equally so, however, the genocide and criminal acts against humanity - civilians and innocents - carried out by Israel are an atrocity.

I advocate recognition of the State of Palestine. But I also advocate good relations with the State of Israel without being blind to some of Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

 @WolfgangMangoLeft  from Florida  answered…11mos11MO

 @9JW2SFKfrom Colorado  answered…11mos11MO

Palestine shouldn't have its civilians and infrastructure bombed to the extent it has been. It's verging on genocidal.

 @9JHK3K6Social Democraticanswered…12mos12MO

Both, Israel had every right to defend itself, but not in this ruthless manner

 @9G7CXYGVolt Germanyfrom California  answered…1yr1Y

The Levant should be its own state with Israeli and Palestinian citizens both having equal say in the nation.


What responsibilities do other countries have in helping to resolve conflicts in different parts of the world?


How would you feel if your daily life was impacted by a conflict you had no control over?


What actions do you believe could lead to peace in situations where two groups are deeply divided?


Imagine living in a place where your safety is not guaranteed; how would that change your daily routines or aspirations?


Do you think it's possible for individuals from opposing sides of a conflict to find common ground? Why or why not?


How do personal stories of those affected by the conflict impact your view of it compared to just facts and figures?


If you had the power to influence a major global conflict, what would be your first step towards resolution?


What role do you see social media playing in conflicts around the world? Does it help or hinder peace?


Can art, music, or literature play a role in healing communities divided by conflict?


How important do you think it is for younger generations to be involved in solving long-standing conflicts?


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