Try the political quiz

6 Replies


Do you think the pursuit of ambition and success should come at the cost of personal time and work-life balance?

 @9LTGHXSAlliance for Germanyanswered…2mos2MO

If achievable, the upper class ideally should only persist if they actually give in effort (as stated in the American dream). However, it is still important to keep a background check on how the upper class received their riches. (Remember that one time almost every rich person has been exposed of having gained their power through criminal activity and nothing happened in context of said exposition?)


Considering the strict regulations in Europe vs. the more lenient approach in the U.S., which do you think fosters a better environment for pioneering technology like AI?


How important is work-life balance to you, and could it be said that sacrificing it is necessary for greater success and innovation?


Is the idea of failing and trying again until success, as mentioned about the American approach, more beneficial than the European caution against failure?


Do you believe working harder is always equivalent to working smarter, especially in the context of achieving innovation and technology advancements?