Try the political quiz



What does patriotism mean to you, and how should it be expressed in a multicultural society?


How does the education system in your area prepare you for the changing job market, and what improvements would you suggest?


What role do you think climate policies should play in government agendas?


Can strict law and order policies make a society safer or do they risk infringing on personal freedoms?


How do economic policies impact your daily life, like job opportunities or the cost of living?


Why might some people feel underrepresented or unheard by mainstream political parties?


What are the potential effects of prioritizing traditional family structures on modern society?


How should a government balance free speech with the need to maintain societal harmony?


In what ways can immigration impact a society's culture and economy, based on examples you've seen or read about?


How do you think a focus on national identity shapes a country's future?


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