
Historical Results

See how support for each position on “Political Advertising on Social Media” has changed over time for 1.7k Germany voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Political Advertising on Social Media” has changed over time for 1.7k Germany voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Germany users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9J3KYCRfrom New Jersey answered…7mos7MO

A decision on what ads are and are not allowed should not be regulated by the government, and instead should be left to the private companies themselves

 @9CRJ3Z3from Alabama answered…1yr1Y


They must make open transparency of each political ad, who funded it and where from and for how much. and they must cluster political adds with an equal diversity in opinion. Furthermore they must allow media users to opt out of seeing any Paid For Political advertising on a whole if they so choose. Political adds must be based on Fact and truth and not on deceptive predatory information practices or Fraudulent claims. Social Media should be liable for fraudulent claims they allow to be made in their media. Therefore they should be liable and well motivated to fact check or decline less than verifiable political claims before showing them to the public.