Aquí están sus respuestas comparadas con las respuestas de este votante.
Inmigración › Deportar a inmigrantes criminales
H>H Respuesta personalSí, siempre que sea seguro para ellos volver a su país |
Social › Matrimonio gay
H>H Respuesta personalNo, deberían permitirse las uniones civiles, pero no llamarlas matrimonio |
Política nacional › Profesores armados
H>H Respuesta personalYes, if they are trained and have a reliable way to ensure the gun does not end up in the wrong hands yet is easy enough to access. |
Social › Aborto
H>H Respuesta personalPro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child. These quotes from Mother Teresa sum up my feelings about it: "Please don't kill the child. I want the child. Please give me the child. I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted, and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child, and be loved by the child." "Any country that accepts abortion, is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants." "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." "The so-called right to abortion [...] has portrayed the greatest of gifts -- a child -- as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered dominion over the independent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters" And, in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners. Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign." "But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child - a direct killing of the innocent child - murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love, and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts. Jesus gave even his life to love us. So the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love - that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child. The father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts." |
Social › Derechos de adopción del colectivo LGTB
H>H Respuesta personalNo, and sem-sex (by birth) couples should not be able to adopt children, and neither should anyone else who is not a born-man and a born-woman who are married. (No single people, either) |
Inmigración › Integración de inmigrantes
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
Social › Pena de muerte
H>H Respuesta personalYes, but only with euthanasia that kills instantly. |
la economía › Impuestos
H>H Respuesta personalReform to a flat tax, or a flat tax for income after poverty level, and raise poverty level to the amount of money needed for a reasonable standard of living for someone with average financial literacy. Teach financial literacy in school. The lowest income I can consistently find people online living comfortably with is $7k, with some DIY skills. |
la economía › Paga igualitaria
H>H Respuesta personalNo, there are too many other variables such as education, experience, tenure, and negotiation skills that determine a fair salary, and the government should never determine what a private business should pay employees, except for minimum wage |
Asistencia sanitaria › Atención médica de un único pagador.
H>H Respuesta personalYes, but people should be allowed to opt out. |
Política exterior › Servicio militar obligatorio
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
Asistencia sanitaria › Salud mental
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
Política exterior › Naciones Unidas
H>H Respuesta personalSí, y utilizar las fuerzas de paz de la ONU para proteger nuestros intereses |
la economía › Salario mínimo
H>H Respuesta personalYes, make it a living wage and adjust it according to inflation regularly enough to keep it a living wage. Perhaps enough to make $24k a year when working full time. I've heard of many people happily living on $7k per year despite having much more (even being rich). However, this does require some time to aquire skills for DIY. So $24k may be more reasonable for people without those skills. |
Política exterior › Elecciones extranjeras
H>H Respuesta personalSí, pero solo para proteger al país de las violaciones de los derechos humanos por parte de una gobernante tiránica |
Transporte › Transporte público
H>H Respuesta personalNo, y deberíamos privatizar más servicios de transporte público |
Social › Diversidad de género en el trabajo
H>H Respuesta personalNo, los miembros de los consejos de administración deben ser los más cualificados, independientemente de su sexo |
Delitos › Penas por tráfico de drogas
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
Inmigración › Prohibición de inmigrantes musulmanes
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
Inmigración › Prueba de ciudadanía
H>H Respuesta personalSí, pero sólo debería abarcar temas muy básicos y sencillos |
Social › Transición de género
H>H Respuesta personalNo, children should not be allowed to make irreversible life decisions. And ban all gender transitioning treatments. |
Ciencia › Vacunación obligatoria
H>H Respuesta personalNo, but use third party funding to raise awareness that vaccines aren't bad. |
la economía › Renta básica universal
H>H Respuesta personalNo, this will encourage people not to work, harm economic growth, give the government more power, increase national debt, and let the communists finish taking over (especially the politicians) |
Social › Deportistas transgénero
H>H Respuesta personalNo, los deportistas deben competir según el sexo biológico que figura en su partida de nacimiento |
Política exterior › OTAN
H>H Respuesta personalNo, no hasta que otros países aumenten sus contribuciones financieras |
Ciencia › Energía nuclear
H>H Respuesta personalYes, measures have been taken so it is now one of the safest sources of energy. |
Delitos › Cárceles privadas
H>H Respuesta personalYes, but prisons should be standardized and reformed according to available research on reforming prisoners. |
Social › El discurso del odio
H>H Respuesta personalYes, because I don’t trust the government to define the boundaries of hate speech, and people say stupid things and shouldn't have the government get involved for it. Encouraging violence should be regulated, but not expressing hate. |
el Medio Ambiente › Fracking
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
Política nacional › Neutralidad de la red
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
el Medio Ambiente › Prohibición de productos de plástico
H>H Respuesta personalNo, pero aumentar los incentivos fiscales para las empresas que fabrican productos biodegradables |
Social › Niqāb
H>H Respuesta personalYes, it is a religious right. Plus, if they are being that clear that they are Muslim, they clearly aren't going to be a terrorist. Everyone will be watching them with that suspicion, so they wouldn't be able to get away with it. |
Política exterior › Gasto militar
H>H Respuesta personalIncrease, and better prioritize mental health. Often, military members' psychiatrists are told not to diagnose them with conditions they have, because then the government would be required to pay to help them with the disorder, and the budget isn't big enough for that. |
Elecciones › Edad mínima para votar
H>H Respuesta personalNo. I believe that the writers of the Constitution were divinely inspired (I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I personally believe (not a church opinion or anything. My own) that the reason they said only land-owning men should vote was to prevent the uneducated from making bad voting decisions. While I believe that women and non-property owners should be allowed to vote, I think it is wise to find a way to preserve the original intent. So perhaps voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote. This should NOT include calling certain OPINIONS right or wrong. |
Elecciones › Derecho a votar de los extranjeros
H>H Respuesta personalNo, sólo deberían poder votar los ciudadanos legales |
Política nacional › Política sobre drogas
H>H Respuesta personalNo, we should not decriminalize drugs, except under supervision of a medical professional, and we should I clude mental health education in schools to teach alternatives to calming yourself with drugs like marijuana. |
Política nacional › Regulación de las redes sociales
H>H Respuesta personalNo, then they'll get rid of mentions of religion. They shouldn't be allowed to determine what is fake or real news. Plus it would have prevented the Ranch Dressing Poptarts prank. |
Asistencia sanitaria › Marijuana
H>H Respuesta personalSí, pero sólo para uso médico |
el Medio Ambiente › Pruebas en animales
H>H Respuesta personalSí, pero no para los cosméticos |
Política nacional › Protección de los denunciantes
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
Política exterior › Israel
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
Social › Mujeres en combate
H>H Respuesta personalYes, preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory, but they should still have to meet the same requirements, and should not be drafted into combat roles. They should also be offered free birth control to prevent problems from rape by enemies. |
Inmigración › Inmigrantes cualificados
H>H Respuesta personalDebería incrementarla |
Delitos › Desmilitarizar a la policía
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
Seguridad nacional › Asesinato extranjero
H>H Respuesta personalYes, but only if the evidence is virtually conclusive. |
Política exterior › Afganistán
H>H Respuesta personalYes, the war has been going on for so long that it sounds stupid now. We're not getting anywhere. |
Inmigración › Doble nacionalidad
H>H Respuesta personalYes, but only with allied countries. |
la economía › Gastos gubernamentales
H>H Respuesta personalYes. I fancy the idea of the government hiring professionals to evaluate spending regularly to require government funds be used as efficiently as possible/practical. Eliminate non-vital costs we cannot yet afford, even if they could be part of an ideal world. We must work our way up to a better world wisely, and that means getting out of debt as much as possible. |
la economía › Prestación social
H>H Respuesta personalMore. We should raise the minimum wage to a beginner's living wage and only provide welfare to those who are incapable of working and for up to 6 months in between jobs. People with repairable conditions should be actively getting treatment and doing all that they can to support themselves. The government should find ways besides direct funding from the government to help people get treatment when they can't afford it. For example, they can ask people to donate to charity, do crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, and hire a paid or unpaid (volunteer) worker to find ways to make money for the person, such as through GoFundMe. |
la economía › Pruebas de drogas a los beneficiarios de asistencia social
H>H Respuesta personalYes, and the government should require treatment, which will be paid for by the person paying what they can and the government finding a way to pay for the rest in ways other than directly funding it themselves. Terminate benefits where necessary. |
Política exterior › Ayuda exterior
H>H Respuesta personalDecrease as much as needed to prioritize our own needs. We don't want to be so stretched thin that we are easy pickings. |
Asistencia sanitaria › Pase médico de empleo COVID
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
Elecciones › Financiación de campañas
H>H Respuesta personalNo, pero permitir las donaciones de sindicatos y organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro |
la economía › Impuesto sobre sociedades
H>H Respuesta personalFlat tax it and continue to offer tax incentives for things that help the economy (in ethical ways), provided that they ultimately make us more money |
Política exterior › Ucrania y la OTAN
H>H Respuesta personalYes, if they're willing to follow all its rules |
Elecciones › La transparencia del candidato
H>H Respuesta personalNo, les respetaría más si lo hicieran pero no se les debería exigir |
Política nacional › Quema de banderas
H>H Respuesta personalYes, this is an act meant to signify aggression, which, in insignificant amount of cases, will escalate to worse things in the future, and it may cause fires. We should maintain at least some semblance of patriotism required. Because if they hate the country, then they are not loyal to it, and are likely to commit treason, which is rightfully punishable by death to prevent the overthrow and collapse of the government. |
la economía › Sindicatos de trabajadores
H>H Respuesta personalHelp, except with teacher tenure. |
Asistencia sanitaria › Refugio seguro
H>H Respuesta personalNo, but they should not be put in a normal prison if they are willing to be rehabilitated. |
Asistencia sanitaria › Orden de quedarse en casa
H>H Respuesta personalNo, but people who know they have coronavirus should be required to stay at home, be given extra assistance if needed, and be charged for negligent manslaughter or something similar if they disobey and it results in someone's death. |
Delitos › Derecho al voto de los criminales
H>H Respuesta personalYes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation. Until then, they have forfeited their rights by breaking the law, and should not be allowed to vote if they are willing to hurt the country like that. |
Elecciones › Políticos delincuentes
H>H Respuesta personalSí, siempre que no sea un delito grave, violento, financiero o sexual |
Asistencia sanitaria › Mandato de máscara COVID
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
la economía › Subvenciones a las granjas
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
Política nacional › Límite de mandatos
H>H Respuesta personalWhatever the Constitution says. It is an inspired document for our government. |
Política exterior › Extradición fugitiva de Hong Kong
H>H Respuesta personalYes, but only for breaking laws that hurt people. |
Delitos › Desfinanciación de la policía
H>H Respuesta personalPolice should still exist for violent crimes and crimes where people are likely to be willing to be violent, such as robbery. We should take all the steps we reasonably can to prevent people from becoming criminals, as well as preventing crime. We could prevent people from becoming criminals by strengthening the family, such as by making some forms of “discipline” illegal that have been proven by many, many quality studies to have negative long-term effects. We can also include a mandatory “Family” class in public compulsory education to teach the essentials of parenting for the best outcomes in children and for happy and successful marriages, which are the basis and foundation of good parenting. The education and welfare systems can also be improved. We can prevent crime from people who chose to be criminals anyways in many ways. One way is to make sure all law-abiding (background checked), trained, safe citizens can have a gun and ammo. Other jobs should be created to take care of non-violent crimes previously addressed by cops. Cops should also get anti-discrimination training. Research shows that this is possible. Cops should be trained in this until they show that enough or all bias has been trained out before interacting with people in those minorities. Complaints against cops should also be taken very seriously, and investigated as a high priority, and local stations should not be afraid to fire officers for gross negligence. Those who commit negligence but not gross negligence should be retrained in the thing they violated and be put on probation. It would also be helpful for cops to build relationships with the community, or at least know who everyone is, so that they are virtually 0% likely to shoot someone they think is violent, who actually called 911 for help. In fact, police should be trained on how to safely apprehend violent criminals without killing them if possible, to further prevent unnecessary killing. |
Asistencia sanitaria › Organización Mundial de la Salud
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
Política nacional › Publicidad política en las redes sociales
H>H Respuesta personalNo, but they should not tailor the political advertising to only show to people who agree with it. This will increase political polarization and lead to war. |
la economía › Estímulo económico
H>H Respuesta personalContinue to provide welfare for those who need it, and only provide economic stimulus in ways that will ultimately not increase our national debt. |
Asistencia sanitaria › Mandatos de vacunas para clientes
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
Asistencia sanitaria › Pasaportes de vacunas
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
la economía › Empleos domésticos
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
Política exterior › Boicot a Israel
H>H Respuesta personalNo, esto es una violación de la libertad de expresión |
la economía › Pensiones del Gobierno
H>H Respuesta personalSí, ajustarlos anualmente según el coste de la vida |
Política exterior › Ayuda financiera talibán
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
Delitos › El hacinamiento en las prisiones
H>H Respuesta personalNo, this violates the Amendment about doing trial twice.They should keep the sentence they got. But I approve of alternatives such as house arrest, and I certainly approve of training community service, given there are no opportunities for child abuse, stealing, etc. |
Alojamiento › Campamentos para personas sin hogar
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
la economía › Monopolios tecnológicos
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
la economía › Banca extraterritorial
H>H Respuesta personalYes, but companies should not. |
la economía › Aranceles
H>H Respuesta personalNo |
Educación › Absentismo escolar
H>H Respuesta personalYes, unschooling (a form of homeschooling without a curriculum) is legal, so why is it not legal for kids to choose not to go to school when they are enrolled? |
la economía › Bitcoin
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
la economía › La propiedad estatal
H>H Respuesta personalThat is fine, but the government should never be the majority stakeholder |
la economía › Semana laboral de cuatro días
H>H Respuesta personalLet's see what happens in the other countries and then experiment with it if it is worth it. It is worth it if it increases GDP and/or significantly improves mental health and family ties. |
el Medio Ambiente › Subsidios corporativos
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
Educación › Escuelas charter
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
la economía › Finanzas descentralizadas
H>H Respuesta personalSi |
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Basado en 8 preguntas que son las imparcial importantes para ti.
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Basado en 12 preguntas que son las menos importantes para ti.
Basado en 6 preguntas que son las menos importantes para ti.
Basado en 2 preguntas que son las menos importantes para ti.
Basado en 2 preguntas que son las menos importantes para ti.
Basado en 4 preguntas que son las menos importantes para ti.
Basado en 20 preguntas que son las menos importantes para ti.
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Basado en 1 preguntas que es la menos importante para ti.
Basado en 1 preguntas que es la menos importante para ti.
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