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How would you encourage your friends to participate if community volunteer projects were chosen by local vote?


Would it make a difference to you if group study topics were picked by majority student interest?


What if your city's public spaces were transformed based on suggestions voted on by residents?


What if a local charity event's cause was selected by community voting; would this motivate you to participate?


What if your favorite social media feature was removed by popular vote; how would you adapt?


Would you feel more responsible if recycling options at your home were chosen by family consensus?


How would the atmosphere at your school change if students had a say in which teachers were hired?


Do you think it's fair for the most popular extracurricular activities to get the most funding, as decided by student vote?


If you could vote for a new feature to be added to your favorite social media platform, what would you suggest and why?


What if vacation destinations for family trips were decided by a family vote; how would that process make you feel?


How might allowing public votes on zoning laws reshape your town or city neighborhood's development?


Can you see the benefits or the downsides if gym class activities were chosen through a majority student vote?


How might electing student representatives with real power over school policies change your academic experience?


What if you could influence your town's landscape with a vote; what feature would you add?


How would you feel if major school events were decided based on student proposals and voting?


What social issues might get overlooked in a world driven by majority decision, and how does that affect us?


Imagine if music at school events was chosen by popular vote, which genre would you advocate for?


How do you think your local community would transform if everyone voted on new construction?


Would you engage more in politics if you could directly vote on environmental policies online?


If your favorite video game implemented changes based on player votes, what would you propose?


If you could influence one social issue through a public vote, which would you choose and why?


What would be the first thing you'd change about your school environment given the chance to vote?


If peer votes decided what's taught in sex education, how would the curriculum change?


What would change in your daily routine if you could vote on public transit schedules?


How would you personally benefit from a community decision you helped make?


How would you promote your favorite extracurricular activity if school clubs were selected by democratic vote?


How would your daily life change if the job or role you aspire to was assigned by democratic vote?


If students could determine the dress code through a vote, what changes would you expect to see, and why?


Imagine a society where the popularity of a cause determines its funding; how would you campaign for less popular issues?


Do you think a world where every person's voice is heard in international conflicts would be more peaceful, and why?


How might the curriculum be different if educational content was decided by a democratic process?


If students could vote to implement one new technology in schools, what would it be, and how would it affect learning?


How would you approach decision-making if you knew the majority was not informed about the topic at hand?


Should the length of school breaks be decided by a majority student vote, and how would you argue for or against it?


How would you encourage more people to participate in local elections if you knew their decisions would impact your daily life?


If class schedules and subjects were determined by student and teacher votes, how would that affect your interest in learning?


Can a system where policy is decided by majority vote truly reflect the diversity of society, and why or why not?


If you could cast a vote that directly changes something in your favorite sport or hobby, what would it be?


How do you think having regular town-hall meetings where citizens vote on local issues would change your engagement with the community?


How would it affect your views on justice if everyone had an equal vote in changing laws that directly impact your community?


How would you feel if the quality of your school lunch depended on the majority’s dietary preferences?


Would you be more likely to follow school rules if they were created by a student majority?


If you could use a mobile app to vote on school policies in real-time, what would you vote for first, and why?


Is it fair for a well-liked but underperforming player to start in a game because of a team vote?


What happens when the public's decision is at odds with expert advice, for instance, in public health crises?


How would you advocate for something you care about if it wasn't popular among the majority?


If everyday choices, like park design, were put to a public vote, would you participate and why?


Could letting students vote on cafeteria menus teach us about democracy in action, and how?


Suppose international policies were shaped by a global democratic vote; which global issue would you be most eager to address?


How would you feel if school holiday schedules were set by parent and student votes rather than the school board?