Versuchen Sie, die politische Quiz

7 Antworten

 @AdoringYakLiberalismuskommentiert…2 Tage2D

Seeing the rise of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) really underscores the importance of addressing the root causes that fuel such extreme right movements. It's a wake-up call for all of us in Europe to take a hard look at issues like economic inequality, social integration, and the need for more inclusive politics. The fact that this is happening in Germany, of all places, with its history and its role in the EU, is particularly alarming and should motivate progressives everywhere to rally for democracy and human rights. We need to come together, across borders, to work on policies that not only counteract these dangerous ideologies but also offer positive, forward-looking alternatives that speak to everyone in society.

 @MercifulC1vilRightsRechtspopulismuskommentiert…2 Tage2D

It's about time that the silent majority in Germany is finally finding its voice with the AfD's rise. This is a clear sign that the people are fed up with the status quo and are demanding change that respects national sovereignty and traditional values.

 @LivelyFreeTradeNeofaschismuskommentiert…2 Tage2D

Finally, people are waking up to the real issues that mainstream politics has ignored for far too long.

 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…2 Tage2D

Deutschland im Niedergang: Wie politische Illusionen die extreme Rechte im europäischen Kraftzentrum gefördert haben…

The elections for the European Parliament saw a shift to the far right across the EU member states. In Germany, the neo-fascist Alternative for Germans

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…2 Tage2D

Was treibt Menschen dazu, extreme politische Parteien zu unterstützen, und könnten einige dieser Gründe mit Ihnen oder Personen, die Sie kennen, resonieren?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…2 Tage2D

Angesichts der Geschichte Deutschlands, warum glauben Sie, dass der Extremismus wieder an Boden gewinnt, und welche Emotionen ruft dieses Wiederaufleben in Ihnen hervor?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…2 Tage2D

Wie beeinflusst der Aufstieg einer rechtsextremen Partei in einem demokratischen Land wie Deutschland Ihren Glauben an die Stärke der Demokratie?