Try the political quiz

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How would your spending habits change if you only bought from local artisans and producers?


How do community-led sports teams or groups contribute to your town's sense of unity?


How can young voices be better heard in community decision-making in your area?


How would your daily life be impacted if all of your entertainment was sourced locally?


When has a local issue sparked your interest in activism or community service?


What has living in your particular community taught you about diversity and acceptance?


How does your choice of local vs. chain stores reflect your commitment to your community?


How have local traditions shaped your personal identity and values?


How has a decision by someone in your local government ever directly affected your family or friends?


Do you think there should be more local representation in national politics, and why?


What role does local folklore play in community identity where you live?


Can you describe a place in your town that feels like a sanctuary to you, and tell us why?


If your school’s extracurricular activities focused on local issues, which one would you join?


How would the closure of your favorite local hangout spot affect your friendships and social life?


Have you witnessed an instance where small acts of kindness transformed a local issue or situation?


How can local music or art around you influence your mood and perspective?


How would the character of your town change if every building were designed by local architects?


If you had to rely only on local news sources, how informed do you think you would be about the world?


Can you think of a time when something made locally brought people together in your area?


How do you think your community would change if everyone volunteered one hour per week?


How does the sense of community in your neighborhood impact your daily life?


How have your town's historical landmarks influenced your understanding of your community?


Do you find that your personal values align more with local or national political ideas, and why?


What's your stance on the importance of preserving local dialects and languages?


How would the absence of favorite local businesses affect the identity of your town?


Do you think that local governments should have more control over environmental policies in their area?


How might your daily routine change if it revolved around the use of local parks and facilities?


What cherished memory do you have that could only have happened in your hometown?


When choosing where to eat, do you consider the importance of local restaurants; why?


If you could create any community-led initiative to improve your town, what would it be and why?


Do you feel more connected to a cause or initiative when it directly affects your locale?


Why might it be important to have local media outlets focused on community-specific news?


What's a local environmental issue that concerns you, and what practical steps could address it?


In what ways does your community support the dreams and ventures of young entrepreneurs?


If local food sources were the only options available, how would your eating habits change?


What role do you think high school sports play in shaping the spirit of your town or city?


How would you explain the concept of 'local pride' to someone from a different part of the world?


What's a project or initiative you'd love to see in your community that could make it a better place?


What ways can tech and social media be used to enhance local engagement instead of detracting from it?


If you had to teach someone about your community, what is the first thing you would want them to know?


What does 'support local' mean to you in terms of music, arts, and entertainment?


How do you picture your community being different if everyone shopped at local markets instead of online?


Would you prefer buying locally made products even if they cost more, and why?


How has a change at the local level ever had a ripple effect in your life?


If you were in charge for a day, what one change would you make in your school to better reflect your community's needs?


What local issue are you most passionate about, and how could you make a difference?


Can thinking globally but acting locally really make a difference in the grand scheme of things?


If your community had to be self-sufficient for a month, what challenges do you foresee, and how could you overcome them?


Should local communities have the right to refuse national projects that they believe are harmful to their local environment?


How do you think the internet has affected the principles of localism in your community?