Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9K4LK46from Virginia answered…2mos2MO

The government should make a desicion on if the death penalty is valid and then give the option to the family.


No, and abolish the punitive justice system entirely and replace it with a fully rehabilitative one.

 @99CN88ZSocial Democraticfrom Nevada answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence. Too many people are innocently convicted.

 @9FZPB4Jfrom Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

I am well aware about the death penalty, but in certain cases I feel the riches come out fine but the poor are the ones that get killed. That is why if they have full proven and right evidence about the crime that was committed then I support it , but if they don’t then I don’t support it.

 @9CYHNZNFree Votersanswered…9mos9MO

 @9CH3Y78from Quebec answered…10mos10MO

no, some people deserve death for their crimes but I don't think anyone or the goverment should have to right to put them to death

 @9BDB5GZfrom Illinois answered…1yr1Y

 @9B593N6from Washington answered…1yr1Y


I support death penalty based on what you have done and If it is 100% proven. If you killed someone, you should also get the same exact death you killed them with, unless it was an accident.

 @95WV7S2Free Votersanswered…2yrs2Y

Only if a horrific crime happens again even after returning to society.


Yes, but the prisoner should be able to choose if they would rather spend life in prison or receive a medically assisted suicide.


only if the person is a real life threat to society and everyone around him


Only certain horrific crimes where the person is guilty with no remorse or care for punishment



 @9D23G5PAlliance ’90/Greensanswered…9mos9MO

The offender should have the choice of serving time or accepting the death penalty.


How do the cultural or legal precedents in your community shape your views on the death penalty, if at all?


In your opinion, does the death penalty serve a moral or practical purpose in modern society?


If you were in a position to decide, would you seek to implement the death penalty as a part of your justice system, and what would guide your decision?


How do you reconcile the finality of the death penalty with the possibility of rehabilitation or change in a person?


Are there circumstances where you believe the death penalty could be a deterrent to prevent serious crimes, or do you think it has no effect on crime rates?


How might the existence or absence of the death penalty impact the way society views the value of human life?


Can you imagine a crime so heinous that you believe a death penalty would be the rightful punishment, or do you think a different form of justice would be more appropriate?


Should the potential for wrongful convictions affect our stance on the death penalty, and why?


What are your thoughts on taking a life as retribution for a crime, and can it ever be justified in your eyes?


How would you feel if someone close to you was given a death sentence for a crime they may or may not have committed?

 @93ZVQ53 from New York answered…2yrs2Y

No, automatic appeals make it significantly more expensive than a life sentence.

  @928PJ8Q from California answered…2yrs2Y

 @6T6Y4L2 from Rhode Island answered…2yrs2Y

 @92YHQCV from California answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence, because too many people are innocently convicted. Plus, I think that spending life in prison is a harsher sentence because the dead don't suffer unless their soul was sent to hell that is.



Yes, bring back public executions for rapists, unprovoked murderers, and anything against animals.


Yes, for those sentenced to life in prison as well as for those sentenced to death, but in both cases, only when further appeal is impossible or not desired.

 @92WTP23 from Pennsylvania answered…2yrs2Y

No, it would be less expensive to implement life in prison without parole

 @8ZYQ3HP from California answered…2yrs2Y

 @LiamHal78638640 from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y


Yes, bring back public executions for those who have raped, done anything gruesome to an animal, or those who have murdered anyone for no reason.


Yes, bring back public executions for rapists, unprovoked murderers, and anyone who has harmed the weak.


Execute rapists, any unprovoked murders, anything gruesome against animals, and anything against the weak.

 @92458D2 from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

The punishment should fit with the crime in which the criminal committed

 @ThomasJ249 from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only for rapists, anything forced sexually, anything against animals, and anything terrorist in nature.

 @8ZVZ2J5 from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but I think that the death penalty should be an opt-in program for any incarcerated individual who's serving an extended sentence.

 @8ZTJN9H from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @ThomasJ476 from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only for rapists, unprovoked murders and anything against animals.


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