
Alternative for Germany’s policies on electoral issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average German [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


总统大选  ›  Popular Vote

Should more important political decisions be subjected to a popular vote?

AfG>AfG  ChatGPT是的

总统大选  ›  最低投票年龄


AfG>AfG  ChatGPT

总统大选  ›  外国人的投票权

Should foreigners, currently residing in Germany, have the right to vote?

AfG>AfG  ChatGPT

总统大选  ›  Presidential Election

Should the President be elected directly by the people?

AfG>AfG  ChatGPT是的

总统大选  ›  竞选经费


AfG>AfG  ChatGPT不,这种类型的捐赠只能变成贿赂

How similar are your political beliefs to Alternative for Germany’s policies? Take the political quiz to find out.

总统大选  ›  候选人透明度


AfG>AfG  ChatGPT不,纳税申报与他们履行责任的能力没有关系

总统大选  ›  有犯罪前科的政客


AfG>AfG  ChatGPT不应该,并且还应该禁止正在接受犯罪调查的政客

总统大选  ›  Mental competency testing

Should politicians over 75 years of age have required to pass a mental competency test?

AfG>AfG  ChatGPTNo, our government needs experienced leaders

总统大选  ›  Political Party Subsidies

Should political parties receive money from the government?

AfG>AfG  ChatGPTNo, funding should come from their members