Yes, there is too much fake news and misinformation on social media
No, social media companies are private and should not be regulated by the government
Yes, social media companies are politically biased and need to be regulated
No, the government should not determine what is fake or real news

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I don't agree the Government should regulate Social media because of Fake News and misinformation but People should be required to officially register to be able to use social media to instill some form of accountability.

 @9J3KYCRfrom New Jersey answered…6mos6MO

No, but particularly bad examples that are affiliated with hostile foreign governments (such as TikTok) should be


No, government can work to produce an environment that does not produce such fake news and offer help to those effected. In serious cases, some sort of sanction is needed.

 @99FLDG8from Arizona answered…1yr1Y

yes, but we must be careful not to break the internet. The wording of the law can lead to sites either over-regulating and removing anything remotely controversial or regulating nothing.


No, but government has the duty to combat misinformation by providing accurate information

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